I Don't Need Wings

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She always wanted to fly
To be one with the cotton candy clouds
And periwinkle sunsets
She wished wings to grow from her back
On every comet that crossed the sky
Her heels nearly never touched the floor
As she was always too eager to become a star
But then
The world pushed her down
On her freshly scraped knees
And kicked her calves until her legs buckled beneath her
On loop
Like a poorly scratched record
And the sky
Where she desperately yearned to be
Was farther away then it ever had been before
And when her eyelids collapsed each night
Instead of supercuts of soaring
She was met with taunting little whispers
That were slick like oil drilling from her eardrums
And now instead of innocently crafted giggles
at the breeze that overcame her
when she raced to the top of the hill
She replaced the joyous noise
With screams of her self conscious
She had always wanted to fly
And the world pushed her to do just that
Only, she did not join the birds and the breeze
She flew to where she would no longer face
The world that had corrupted her

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