Chapter One: Relatively Screwed.

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"Jane you're on in five,"

My manager's head popped into my dressing room, my reflection staring back at me in the vanity mirror.

"Oh and you have a private afterwards in room B."

"Thanks Ray." I flashed him a genuine smile. I had on a cowgirl outfit consisting of a denim so short it could be passed off as panties, knee high brown leather boots and a white cropped shirt, completed with pigtails and a cowboy hat. Underneath I had on a teeny tiny white thong.
My nipple piercing was visible through the thin white top covering my perky breasts.

I liked dressing for a performance, I liked looking good, it makes me feel empowered, like I own the world, on that stage I am the queen, my word is law and I decide what goes.

I am a warrior, I did what I had to do to survive, maybe that was the case in the beginning, I used to recite that phrase in my head like a mantra, maybe once it was true, but not anymore, now... I do what I love, because that's the truth, I love dancing, years of experience being unleashed on that platform, my body bending and twisting and folding around that pole in ways people are baffled with.

My signature is Jane, but a lot of people know me as Jane the Virgin Slayer because of a difficult time I went through a few years back where money was tight and I had to do things that I'm not proud of, I started getting a reputation. I wasn't proud of myself for it but I had no choice, I had no friends, no food and a university that consumes money like a hippie consumes weed.

Family was also not an option, I lost my parents when I was really young, it was dumb luck really, all it took was one drunk driver and a wet road before date night had turned into the worst night of my life. My twin sister was also a no-go, you don't find her, she finds you, whenever she needs something. Last time I saw her was when we both finished High School and went our seperate ways, which was a good 6 years ago.

Or atleast I think it was, I started studying Law shortly after high school, a seven year course and me graduating in a few months meant that it was indeed over six years that I had seen her last. We were close before... Before the accident, afterwards our world fell apart and our bond with it.

My heart still hurts thinking about everything we'd share, besides the facial features, hair color, eye color and body built, we were inseperable, although she was always a bit ahead of me when it came to boys, I was never far to follow, when she had her first kiss, she'd tell me and not long after I'd have the same secret to tell her and all the juicy details that came with it, when she got a boyfriend, it wasn't long until I got a suitor of my own by my side. And if she'd suffer a heartbreak, suddenly all boys were idiots and my knight in shining armor turned into a fool in tin foil, long forgotten.

Part of me realised that I was living in her shadow, and she never once tried to get me on the right path, my own path. So when I told her I wanted to study law and she looked at me like I'd grown a second pair of tits I knew that getting a degree was not on her agenda. Thus the big split up. It was the one thing I couldn't bring myself to give up for her...

My future.

"Jane, get your ass out there, they want a piece." Ray said, this time with more urgency.

I pushed the memories out of my head, muttering "shit" under my breath when I realised I hadn't put in my contacts yet. It was the one thing I hated about my job, I pulled out my drawer that contained all the different pairs of colours I had to choose from. Thinking I'd just go with brown tonight I quickly got the container out and put them in. I cursed when my eyes immediately began stinging.

My eyes were a dead giveaway, I loved my eye colour - well, colours, one brown, one green, but it was unique. I couldn't risk anyone recognizing me outside of work. If I want to be an attorney one day... It just wouldn't be professional.

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