Chapter 7

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Here is chapter 7!! Please leave comments and votes because they make my day!


Lysandra is excited but does not want to get her hopes up. Her period was supposed to come over a month ago and it still has not happened. It could mean that something detrimental is happening and she should be worried, or if her hunch is correct, she could be pregnant.

Lysandra has not told her husband yet, just in case it is not what she thinks it is. She knows that they both desperately wants to have a baby so she does not want to tell him unless she is completely sure. She is currently walking down to the resident healer in the castle to see if she can be examined.

She knocks lightly on the door and one of the healers comes to greet her.

"Hello my Lady, my name is Drena, how can I help you?" the healer warmly says as she waves Lysandra into the room.

"Hello, thank you for seeing me on such short notice." Lysandra says.

"Of course, my Lady."

"I was wondering if there was any way for you to tell if I am pregnant or not." Lysandra says.

"Of course my Lady, let me gather what I need and then we can begin." Drena says.

"Thank you" Lysandra takes a seat and waits for Drena to administer the test. It only takes a few minutes and then the results are available.

"Congratulations my Lady, you are pregnant!" Drena says with a smile.

"Really?" Lysandra asks. She is so happy she nearly can not believe it.

"Yes, my Lady." Drena says.

Lysandra is so excited she does not know what to do.

"Thanks you so much." Lysandra says to Drena and then heads back to her room to tell Aedion.

She nearly runs through the halls in her excitement but a few concerns stick out in her mind. Will the child look like how Lysandra looks now or will the child look like Lysandra did when she was young?

Lysandra shoves open the door to her rooms, surprising Aedion who is sitting at his desk trying to read a report. He pushes his chair back and Lysandra drops into his lap and throws her arms around his neck.

"Whoa Lys, not that I am complaining, but what's going on?" Aedion asks. Lysandra pulls back to look into his eyes with her teary ones.

"I'm pregnant." Lysandra says.

Aedion is speechless and just moves in to hold his wife.

Yes, Lysandra thinks. This is her family.

Later that day, the happy coupe tells the good news to the rest of the court and they all nearly explode with happiness and excitement. 


Next chapter checks in with Elide and Lorcan so get excited!!!

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