Chapter 14

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So this work recently hit 1k reads so I figured that I would write a short chapter to celebrate! As always, I love comments and votes!


As much as Aelin would love to stay in her rooms and play with her son, she does have a country to rule. Don't misunderstand, Aelin loves her kingdom and her subjects but it is difficult for her to be away from her baby for longer than a couple of hours.

Her baby.

She had always wanted a child but never thought that she would ever be at a point where she felt comfortable bringing another life into the world but here she is. Living a life she would have never thought possible for herself just a few years ago.

She has used to dream about settling down with Sam. Hoping that they would finally be able to leave Arobynn and make a nice safe life for themselves in some far off land.

As much as she misses Sam, Aelin loves her new life with her mate, her found family, and her child.

Aelin climbs the last stairs leading to her chambers and can't help but smile at the scene before her.

Rowan is seated on the floor playing with their baby, Rowan cooing at his son as the baby giggles back. Aelin's big tough fae male coming undone at the sight of their child makes Aelin unspeakably happy.

Yes, Aelin thinks, Sam would be glad to see her here. Settled and happy.

Aelin gets sick of just watching the fun and drops down onto the floor next to her mate.

"How was your meeting?" Rowan asks and leans in to kiss her.

"Not as fun as what is happening here." Aelin responds as she picks up her baby. The infant coos happily at the sight of his mom.

"Well Sam sure missed you." Rowan says.

And as pleased Sam would be to see her happy, he would be even happier to see his name living on.

"Well I missed him. And don't think I didn't notice you did not include yourself in your previous statement."

Rowan laughs and appeases his wife.

"Well I would have thought that me missing you would have been implied, but I did very much miss you."

Aelin leans back against a the side of a chair contently. This is exactly where she belongs. 

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