Chapter 1

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Well I have a new story! This is my first TOG fic so I hope you all enjoy! This is my NaNoWriMo and I currently have 13 chapter written and I am very excited about this and I hope you enjoy it! As usual, I love comments and votes!


Life is good. They had won and Aelin had taken the throne. The world is being rebuilt and things are good.

But some things are not.

Aelin thought that she should be good now that everything else is going well but... she's not. She can pass as fine sometimes but... it is hard to move on while still dealing with all of the ghosts who follow her.

Aelin stands at the balcony of her room, well her and her mate's room, looking out over what had been a desolate battle field just months ago, but is now beginning to thrive with new life.

Aelin feels arms wrap around her waist and leans back into the warm embrace of her mate. Rowan tucks her head under his and holds her while she watches her kingdom rise to greet the morning.

They had fallen into this easy routine ever since the final battle, as Aelin now always goes to watch her kingdom in the morning right after she wakes up.

"How is my fireheart this morning?" Rowan asks, pulling Aelin out of her thoughts. Aelin tilts her head back to give a content smile to her mate. She simply hums in response to Rowan's question and turns around to embrace him.

Tucked into her mate's arms, it is easy to forget everything terrible that has happened in the past few years and simply enjoy being held. Rowan slides his hand though Aelin's hair and rubs his other hand down her back. Her hair has grown out even more since the final battle and is now all the way down her back.

"Should we join the rest of our court for breakfast or should we occupy ourselves here?" Rowan asks.

"As much as I would like to lay around with you all day, we should probably go make sure the others aren't causing havoc downstairs. If Lysandra and Fenrys are together too long some plotting tends to start and I do not want to have to try and avoid another one of their pranks." Aelin responds.

Rowan chuckles and presses a kiss to her temple before pulling away from her so they can get dressed. As usual, he just throws on some casual and comfortable clothes that are practical for fighting, should the need arise.

Aelin moves away from the window and into their room and walks across the plush rug at the foot of their bed. Ever since Aelin and her court reclaimed Orynth, they have all been working on making the rooms of their new home as comfortable as possible. They have covered the bare stone walls with art and tapestries, have added a large bed made of beautifully carved wood, filled it with comfortable blankets and pillows, and had added comfortable and elegant furniture.

Aelin reaches their closet and debates over what to wear. She has been feeling rather strange and uneasy since she woke up and would like to just throw on something comfortable and warm but that could potentially make her court worry that something is off about her. Maybe she should just put on something nice to portray some sense of normalcy.

Rowan, all ready dressed, comes over and wraps an arm around her. Aelin feels down their bond and leans into her mate again for another hug. Aelin supposes that Rowan knows her well enough to tell that she is not feeling her best as he engulfs her in another hug.

"Not feeling good today?" Rowan quietly asks her while rubbing his large hands along her slightly tense shoulders.

"Every day is a good day for me" Aelin half heartedly responds and turns back to the closet to grab some comfy clothes. If Rowan has already picked up on her downtrodden mood, she will not be able to convince the others that she is fine.

She pulls her night gown off and pauses as her mate runs his hands over her tattooed back that displays their story. He presses a kiss to the wings he lovingly tattooed on her shoulders and then withdraws to pull on his boots and grab some weapons as Aelin finishes dressing and grabs her boots and some daggers. The queen can not find the energy or motivation in herself to grab any jewelry or apply any makeup so she forgoes both and grabs her mate's hand and starts to head to breakfast.

Before leaving their room, she looks out of the window one more time, taking in the places where the twelve witches sacrificed themselves and her own people lost their lives. With a shudder she opens the door to the stairwell and descends the stairs with her mate. 


Well here was chapter 1! I hope y'all liked it and please vote and comment!

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