Chapter 6

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Ah time to see what Dorian is up to! As usual, comments and votes make my day so don't be shy!!


Meanwhile in Adarlan, King Dorian Havilliard walks the castle grounds with a pair of his favorite hunting dogs. The castle and most of the grounds have had to be completely rebuilt and restored after the destruction of the glass castle but now Dorian likes it much better. The castle is relatively small for a kingdom of Adarlan's size and it is rather cozy.

What Dorian likes most about it is the fact that it is the exact opposite of the haunting and imposing glass castle. It is private, small, and cozy. Exactly how Dorian likes it. Another plus is that his new home is so different from the palace that tormented him so he can feel rather safe in his home.

As Dorian walks, he reflects on how happy he is to have Chaol and Yrene here with him. He always feels better when his best friend is around and seing Chaol so happy with his wife makes Dorian happy. Yrene is also so amazing to be around andnow Dorian can not imagine life without her around.

The King also can not wait for Lord and Lady Westfall's baby to arrive. It will be so great to have a baby around and Chaol told Dorian that he will be the god father.

Dorian had started sobbing out of happiness when Chaol and Yrene had told him that.

Dorian continues his walk around, occasionally throwing a stick for the dogs. His aim is good, but not as good as Nesryn's. Speaking of Nesryn, as much as he misses her, he is glad she has found her home. She writes him letters every so often and she sounds so happy.

Aelin has also sounded very well in her letters. She has settled into her new role as queen, instated her court, and rebuilt her home into a place she loves to live. He has always know that Aelin would pull through in the end. She has never seemed like the kind to give up until she has exactly what she wants.

Now the only ally, or well friend.. or something, Dorian has to worry about is Manon. He does not really need to worry about her, she can defiantly handle herself, but he can not help but to worry.

Losing the thirteen could destroy the Witch Queen if she was not careful. Manon loved her coven more than anything and losing them is like losing part of herself.

So Dorian can not help but to worry. Especially because, well.. he.. well he...

He loves her.

It seems hard to say when he does not know what her current feelings are for him. Deep down Dorian is sure he loves her.

She has come back to Adarlan once since the final battle as Orynth. She only stayed a couple days in order to check on the county's aerial fleet.

But, she did come stay with Dorian. She slept in his bed with him and was glad to see him.

Dorian had been so happy to see her but it was heartbreaking seeing how much she tears herself up over what happened during the war. He had a conversation about it with her but she kept it short and they did not speak of it again.

Now Dorian just wants to see her again. Wants to make sure she is alright. Wants to know if she misses him, if she loves him back.

Dorian is ripped from his thoughts by his dogs barking like crazy. He looks up to see a wyvern sailing over the castle carrying a rider with white hair and a red cape trailing behind her.

Dorian smiles and races up to the castle to meet Manon, his dogs running after him.


Next chapter is extra special and I am super excited to post it! ;)

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