Chapter 8

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Sorry this took so long! Anyway, enjoy and please vote and leave comments!


Back in Terrasen, Elide and Lorcan are ending their day. Elide sits on a low couch near the window as her mate rubs a salve into her bad ankle. She sighs as he works on a particularly sore spot.

One of the only ideas that occupies Elide's thoughts is how Yrene said she might be able to fix her ankle.

Elide wants it fixed, she would love to be able to walk and move and run. Especially now that she and Lorcan have been discussing having children. She wants to be able to play and keep up with their children as they grow.

Elide gives a small smile while thinking of children. She is so excited to start a family with her wonderful mate. She had Lorcan had already discussed having a baby and they really can not wait.

Now she just needs to decide what to do about her ankle.

Yrene said it would have to be done eventually but...

Elide crosses her arms over her eyes and tries to block out the headache thats been creeping behind her eyes all day.

Lorcan gets up and lays beside her, moving her arms so he can gently massage her temples. Elide hums at him and rolls over to face him.

"What's wrong?" Lorcan asks worriedly.

"I am trying to figure out what to do about my ankle."

"What do you think you want to do?"

"I'm not sure." Elide says. "I kind of just want it to be over and done and be able to move on. But on the other hand, I do not know if I can handle having it broken again. Now it also feels like my limp is part of what makes me who I am and proves what I have been though."

"Whatever you decide, I am here for you."

Elide presses herself into his arms for some cuddles that are well deserved in her opinion. She eventually speaks again, whispering into her mate's ear.

"Should we ask Yrene about it next time she comes?"

"We could go ahead and write her a letter now and see if she could come if that is better?" Lorcan suggests.

"I would say yes but, she is pregnant and I do not want her to come work on this now when she has so many things to deal with. Then she would be stuck dealing with me and an infant. We would probably have to go to her anyway as she now leads students and will soon have a baby. Traveling up here with a child is not something she should be doing."

"Well, we could go ahead and let her know that you want to do it and then she could let us know when she can help."

"Who knows, we may be seeing her soon enough if our queen gets pregnant." Elide says with a smirk. Lorcan can't help but laugh.

"A child that is a mix of those two is going to give all of us a heck of an interesting time." he says and then starts cracking up laughing again.

Elide can not help but to join in. A little girl with Aelin's attitude and Rowan's strength would really be something.

Their queen deserves the world after everything she has done for them so Elide will do what she can to help them out, even if that means eventually babysitting whatever little terror is her child.

"In all honesty, that child is going to have the entire court wrapped around their little finger." Elide points out.

"That can be said about the child of any of our court members actually." Lorcan says.

"Very true, but any child with Aelin's ability for scheming and her determination is going to be a challenge to refuse." Elide starts to laugh again, imagining a little boy snarkily demanding attention in the way only Aelin can.

Elide and her mate lay for a while longer before Lorcan breaks the silence.

"Should I go ahead and send a letter to Yrene?"

Elide hesitates but deep down she knows her answer.

"Yes, do it."

Elide knows that with this court at her side, she can do anything. 


Next chapter is back to Aelin!

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