Chapter 11

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Ah sorry this chapter took a while, but enjoy!


"Come on Aedion!" Lysandra calls out. Aelin has asked them all to meet her and Rowan in their sitting room for some sort of meeting.

"I'm coming, just hold on a second." Aedion responds.

Lysandra just shakes her head at her husband. He had been so practical during the war but now that he has his position back, he always tries to look appropriate for any situation.

Aedion finally joins her and they head down the hall.

"Do we need to be worried about whatever their announcement is?" Aedion asks.

"When do we not have to be worried about whatever they are doing. Knowing Aelin, she has probably concocted some plan that we need to participate in, not that those plans are not fun but they are kind of insane."

"I hope we are not starting another prank war, the last one ended with Lorcan being pissed because he got some sort of slime in his hair and even Aelin did not know what it was." Aedion gripes.

"Oh you know you enjoyed it. Scaring Fenrys was the highlight of you week."

The two make their guesses about what is going on as they walk to their destination.

Aedion opens the door for his wife and they step inside to see most of their court. The only ones they are waiting for now are Lorcan and Elide. The couple tended to run a bit late. The rest of court tended to joke that it was because the were so obsessed with each other that they could not be bothered to check the time.

Lysandra goes to hug Aelin and the two of them gossip for a while and Aedion speaks to Rowan and Fenrys. Lorcan and Elide arrive and Elide has a noticeable blush across her cheeks.

"It appears the lovebirds have finally made it out of the bedroom." Aelin teases. Elide manages to blush even more and looks anywhere but Lorcan.

"Who said anything about a bedroom?" Lorcan asks with a smirk.

"Oh please tell me you were not having sex in public places. Or on communal furniture." Aelin says.

Elide is now blushing so hard she appears to be a tomato. Lysandra takes some pity on her and gives her a hug as the rest of the room laughs.

"Alright everyone sit down it is time for my much anticipated announcement." Aelin says.

"Is this actually important or are you juts having your moment of self importance of the day?" Fenrys asks.

"Oh sit down and shut up, pup." Aelin responds.

Everyone finally settles down into their seats and Aelin begins her talk. She starts with some boring news about events and other activities coming up. Most of the court has zoned out by the end of it.

"Oh and one more thing, I'm pregnant." She finishes.

Everyone turns to stare at Aelin who smirks at her court. Lysandra is the first to react and get up to throw her arms around her friend.

"I better be the godmother." Lysandra says as she starts crying.

Aelin just laughs and nods "Of corse, Lys."

"Our babies get to grow up together." Lysandra cries and Aelin joins in.

The rest of the court seems to realize what is happening and goes to cry with and congratulate the happy couple.

Aedion can not believe that his cousin, his queen is going to have a baby. He gives her a huge hug and can not stop himself from crying. Aelin hugs him back and whispers to him.

"Ready to continue our family, cousin?"

Aedion can not respond through his tears but he knows he is ready to live in Orynth with his family. 


So next chapter is in Adarlan!

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