Chapter 12

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Meanwhile, in Adarlan, Choal, Yrene, and Dorian sit on the floor playing with the new Westfall baby. Yrene and Choal had decided to name their daughter Hafiza after the healer on high at the Torre who has helped Yrene all these years.

Yrene scoops up her child and coos to her as Hafiza giggles at her. Chaol watches his wife and daughter with a serene look on his face. He never thought he was going to have someone in his life as amazing as Yrene and now he has a beautiful child for him to love.

Dorian is so happy to see his best friend so happy and feels especially honored to have been named Hafiza's godfather.

The only thing that would make Dorian's life any better would be to have Manon with him. She has started visiting more frequently and staying longer but Dorian still misses her when she is gone.

Yrene has done a wonderful job setting up the new Torre and is now able to step away from it a bit as she recovers from birthing her daughter and it gives her more time to spend with her family.

A knock sounds at the door and Dorian gets up to answer it. He opens the door and Nox Owen stands there.

"A message for Lady Westfall." Nox says.

"Who is it from?" Yrene asks. She stood up when she heard the letter was for her and now walks over to the door holding Hafiza.

"Queen Aelin" Nox answers. He hands Yrene the letter and then makes his exit.

Chaol takes Hafiza from his wife and bounces his baby while Yrene opens the letter.

Yrene breaks the green wax seal on the envelope and pulls out the letter. Her eyes scan over the lines and a smile breaks out over her face.

"What does it say?" Dorian asks.

"Aelin is pregnant and she wants to know if I would be willing to oversee her pregnancy and birth." Yrene says. She is so happy for her friend and is so happy to be the one to help her.

"That is fantastic!" Dorian says.

They are all so happy to hear good news about their favorite faerie queen. It is good to hear that life is going on and going well for all of them.

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