Realism-George Harrison

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Another day came and you were ready to be heartbroken once again like you always are when you see the sight of George Harrison and Y/E/N constantly flirting with eachother.

Every time you guys left the recording sessions, she she would go to him and just get in his personal space and he didn't mind. In fact he'd flirt back. This always brought you to be in a bad mood sometimes but you never liked to show to anyone else. You were against thinking everything was about you.

You walked in the recording studio and you were greeted by George Martin who quickly and frantically guided you to a chair and ran up to a red phone. He began to dial a phone number.

"Do you know where they are?" George tried to ask calmly but only came out stressed and bothered.

"N-no. Maybe they're just a little late."

"Little late my a-"

There walked in the four men. One man in particular was George Harrison who had another figure in his arms. Y/E/N. She laughed hysterically while George tried not too. He held it in by biting his lip but a thin smile that could've been bigger was set upon his face.

"Where have you been?!?!" George yelled as his face turned a bright red.

John grabbed a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up. He shrugged.

Ringo rubbed his cheek. "Sorry. We were out eating." Ringo plopped right next to you. You could smell his cologne that brought your comfort but you wish you could be next to Geogre.

"Whatever. Get in that room now!" George yelled as he stomped inside the room. The men seemed to have no hint of emotion in there face except for George who was happy with Y/E/N presence.

George looked down at you. "Hello Y/N. How are you?" He asked with a genuine smile.

For some reason you wanted to be mad at him but you couldn't help but smile a soft smile. You put your head up. "Fine and dandy, thanks for asking." You then looked over at George Martin who seemed as if smoke was escaping his ears. "It's best for you to get in that room. Georges next move is to kill you guys."

Harrison simply laughed and patted your head as he entered the room and shut it. You then quickly noticed how Y/E/N sat right next to you. She held a bright cherry red lipstick to her lips.

"Y/N, I really think you should put your hair in a bump." She shared her opinion with you. You looked at her as if she had three heads.

"No....why would I want to do that?"

"You'd look more decent."

You quickly stood up and walked over to the other table and placed out a foam cup and walked over to the water machine. If you stood anywhere near her, you'd surely snap.

You looked up to scan George and admire his features you enjoyed. He was focused on his lovely guitar and switching his fingers back and fourth on the frets.

He suddenly looked up and caught your eye. You looked down quickly and pretended as if you were really focused on the water that spilt out of the jug into the cup. A few seconds later you looked up once again and see him still staring at you with a dominant look. Instead of looking away again like a child you smiled at him. For a few seconds he just stared at you and his eyes and smile rose. You heart thumped quickly.

You suddenly see Harrison walking over to Martin and whispering in his ear. Martins eyes flashed on you. He then motioned for you to come to him.

You did as told and you entered the room you didn't dare to ever enter. The three Beatles looked up at you with a confused expression. "George wants you to sit in front of him so he can focus." Martin said nonchalantly as he tuned his guitar.

"Wouldn't I be intruding?"

"Just do it." Martin said with a attitude.

You didn't dare to question him anymore. You didn't want to see his anger explode on you as it did on the men. You turned to face the other men and they stared at you.

"Grab a chair Y/N." George calmly said.

You pulled a chair from the corner and placed it in front of Harrison. You sat on it and looked back at the men who seemed to glare at you.

"What?" You snapped at them.

"We love you Y/N but, we like it to just be the five or four of us." Paul spoke to you with a serious tone.

"Guys, it's just this one time. She helps me focus." Harrison defended you.

You smiled at George and quickly looked back at the men and stuck out your tongue and chuckled.

Hours later, music went to here to there. George would looked up at you time to time and smile and stick out his tongue. For some reason you helped hims focus and you weren't so sure why but you didn't complain.

"Alright boys. I think that's good for today." The four other men stood up and walked away, chatting.

A question waited for George. You cleared your throat. "How do I help you focus?" You asked with curiosity.

He stood up and smiled. "Your presence....there's something about it. It's a gift, you know? Your very special Y/N." There was those feelings that flew in you. It made you want to kiss George but then you remembered that other girl who seemed more important to him.

"Georgie! Let's go and watch a movie! They've been saying Rosemary's Baby was a good one." That voice called. It belonged to the devil in disguise.

You looked down in sadness. You hopefully waited for George to comfort you or something but he didn't. He patted your head like a pet.

"I have to go! Catch you later Y/N." George then ran off side by side with Y/E/N. She wrapped her long arm around his waist and he put his around here. They must've been good for eachother.

Hi! It's not a cheesy one and I know it's not cheesy but I thought to go for more of realism. Jealousy is definitely real and not getting what you want is real as well. Also it was George Harrison's death anniversary on Thursday and I couldn't post a chapter because my internet was being slow and I felt like I was too late. I love George and I hope he's having fun up in heaven. Sorry for the slow update. Hope you enjoyed. Please please leave requests. Have a lovely day!


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