A Diary Of A Beatle Fan~7

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I'm back with another one of these. So I decided to do thirty day music challenge because it sounds fun and I would like to share my music taste more with you.

Day 1

The first questions is:

What is my favorite song?

Honestly I have no clue. I go back to back on what my favorite song is. I'll give you my best song I can think of that I truly love that I don't think I could ever get tired of.

Something- by The Beatles

I know it's a generic answer but I really love that song. I love how the beat changes. I know how to play it on the ukulele and I honestly like how it sounds. George Harrison is a genius.

And another thing I would like to say is that there's a restaurant where I live that is super 1950s themed. I love it. I didn't get to eat there but I got to go inside and it has a jukebox and everything. We might go back this weekend and I'm really exited about it. It's super cute.

That's all I have today and I'll try my super best to post more often like I use too. Please leave requests and ideas for me! Love you guys and have a lovely day! Also, I kind of just want to make a book about two people falling in love and all that good stuff? Should I?


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