Ch. 77: I Hate You, I Love You

Start from the beginning

"Don't call me an attention whore then." I don't miss a beat.

"Then don't act like one."

"Get off me."

"I'm not on you." He answers smugly.

I slide out of the way, and I don't know what to do. I'm in the middle of no where, in front of a lit up building, with my boyfriend acting like the biggest asshole I've ever met.

"Let's go." He says, and I follow behind. I don't want to me near him, but I don't want to leave him either. I'd love to chew him out right now, but that won't help either of us. My hair has been pulled back, and I'm beginning to feel a bit insecure based on how many men are in this gym sort of arena. There are many lingering eyes on me, and I scurry behind Jake, latching onto his hand. He barely holds it, but loosely does so until we reach the last door up the stairs. There's a code on it.

He lets go of my hand, and digs through his pocket for his phone. A few seconds goes by and he inputs the code. He opens the door, and inside is a array of men fighting. Just like in the Underground except it's bright, and there are more practice mats. This one door holds all these sounds.

Jake holds my hand again half heartily, and pulls me through the place. I spot Martinez with Serena and Alice. There both in similar attire as mine, expect Alice wears capris.

"Finally, you made it." Martinez rejoices. He must already know about my problem with the note too.

"Sorry, she had to go to the doctors." Jake responds. He once again let's go of my hand, and I'm feeling like total shit right now.

"Poor little chica had a cold." Serena laughs, while stretching her legs.

"No." My voice soft.

"Enough." Martinez says, "Jake go change." Jake nods and doesn't even give me any acknowledgement as he heads off to down a dark hallway. I'm now left with Serena, and Alice thankfully.

"How are you feeling." Alice instantly hugs me, and I almost feel like crying.

"Okay." I wince when she pulls back, and she brushes over where my shot was at. A bandage attains there.

"What's this?"

"I had a birth control shot today."

"Guess chica didn't have a cold after all." Serena chirps in.

I'm in no mood to be around this bitch, and the more I'm around her, the more I'll probably see red. I walk away a few feet from both of them and begin to stretch myself.

"Alright, you're just going to learn some self defense moves, and next session we'll teach you some more." Martinez approaches us three with Jake and Casper.

Alice's eyes nearly pop out, and she grabs Martinez's hand and pulls him to the outskirts, "Martinez you're with me." I guess Casper's appearance isn't the most exciting thing for her right now, and I follow suit when I grasp Casper's hand and pull him to the other side.

"Oh, uh, Dawn." We're at a great distance when I finally turn back to him, "Thought you'd want to be with Jake."

"Yeah, well not right now. He's royally pissed me off."

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