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The Goblin is created by Norman Osborn, I'm pretty sure I do not need to explain it. But in my story I need to cause Peter a lot of heart ache so he could feel the need to avenge his family, so I made the goblin kill aunt Mae. So here's how.

"Peter Peter girlfriend stealer had an aunt but couldn't keep her. I threw this empty pumpkin shell and killed the aunt very well." (GOES TO THE TUNE OF PETER PETER PUMPKIN EATER) The goblin said while throwing a bomb, that looked like a pumpkin at her. It didn't kill her, yet.

"Stop! Who are you." Mae screams to him.

"Don't you remember me ms. Mae." Ms. Mae is what Harry use to call her.

"Harry, why it can't be you."

"Guess again, IT IS ME." He said flying towards her quiet quickly. He jabbed the knives out of the glider, which left Mae dead. He left a ransom saying he was gonna kill Gwen, unless he came to fight him.


Dr. Octavius was created by Norman Osborn as well. Octavius was just a normal man until Norman gave him is four gigantic robot arms that would help him create devices, but little did Norman know that the arms would take over Octavius whole body. He soon changed his name to Dr. Octopus.


Venom was created by Dr. Octavius, well in the comics yes, but in my book, Tony did by accident. But in the next chapter, Doc. Ock. extracted the venom from Spider-Man's Dna, and created the symbiote.


Electro, is Max Daniels, he was created by OSCORP, on purpose. It was suppose to be an experiment. But it turned into something worse than they could every imagine, an electrical weapon. He controls electricity, and with the snap of his finger, your whole city wouldn't have power. A blue masked figure, who had once been a beyond crazed (just a little mental) fan of Spiderman. But as soon as he got his powers, and was convinced that spidey had betrayed him, he turned evil.


So that's all you need to know. Byez!

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