Spider School

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"Okay," I smile. "I have to get an education." I wave off.

"Wait." He says putting his hand on my shoulder. "That's why I brought you here, so we can talk about it." I nodded in agreement and sat down. "Maybe Peter Parker shouldn't go to school." My eyes widened. "Wait, before you say anything, me and the team were talking about it yesterday. And, Peter Parker is going to be 'HOME SCHOOLED' by 'STARK' as Spiderman attends Mid-Town High!!!"

"Spiderman! But!!!!-"

"Yes!!! YOULL BE ATTENDING SCHOOL AS SPIDERMAN!!! And it's all thought out. Tomorrow will be you're last day of school. But I will teach you everything you need to know for a month EXACTLY. Then Spiderman will swoop into school but no outsiders will know. I will become you're new principal, and introduce you, for the very first time as SPIDERMAN!!! I will say if anyone is to report you going to the school, they will be arrested, FOR LIFE!!!" So how do you like it!?!?" He shouts.

"It might be, you don't, um, YES I'll DO IT!!!" The only reason I agreed was so I can finally have some respect at school.

"Great, so let me drop you off so you can tell everyone tomorrow is you're last day of school."

"Can I tell my girlfriend?"

"You told someone you're SECRET!!!"

"Why can't I!!! You told Pepper yours!!!"

"It was an accident!"

"Well mine KINDA WAS!!!"


"I can't, I already took her for a swing around the big apple, and she watched me IN ACTION!!!"

"You, she won't tell."

"No, she known my secret for over 3 months now. And hasn't told. You have to trust me."

Stark looked down for a second. "Then, Yes."

"Now can I go?" I said pointing at the window.

"Yes grab on." He said as he pushed his REACTOR. Still wasn't scary, I should take him on one of my Spiderman runs. As we landed at the school, people gather around.

"Thanks again Tony! See you on Monday!"

"Bye Pete."

"So you're friends with Tony Stark," "Did you win the internship," "Wow, what you guys do?" A bunch of random people said.

"Well, we ate lunch while talking about how tomorrow is my last day at school at mid-town high. Because he's going to teach me. Then he told me.... Wait you'll just have to see." I smiled.

"Peter, tomorrow's you're last day," Gwen had said in the most sad voice you've ever heard.

"Yes. I'll tell you the rest later." I whisper shouted. But only she heard me. Because all the other people were talking.

*RING RING RING* that's the bell for 7th period.

"Goodbye, see ya tomorrow at lunch."

"What's going on!'' Gwen shouts at me.

I grab her arm and drag her to the Corredor. "Gwen, Peter won't be attending school. Spiderman will be!" I whispered.

"Omg! I can't believe it! Really!" She screeched.

"Tomorrow you're gonna break up with me, so when I come back in a month, you'll be dating Spiderman!"

"A MONTH!!! But it's already June!"

"Yes, I will be coming in September, so I will be 16 exactly."

"I will miss you."

"Ima miss you too." I say hugging her.

"What about Mae?!?"

"Ima tell her it got the internship and that he's teachin me."

"That Yorkers accent is making you sound pretty sexy Peter." Gwen said biting her lip. Yorkers accent is the way New Yorkers talk, and I was born with a little bit of one.

"Oh Gwen, you're so cute." I say tapping the tip of her nose.

See you in a month, the longest month of my life.

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