Peters not a nerd

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"Hey Gwen! Why are you hanging out with the freak boy!" Flash shouts. God what's wrong with him. "Is he forcing you to hang out with him! Ha!" Peter just kept walking "What's the matter Pete! Why won't you fight back!" Flash pushed him down and broke the camera's lens.

"Leave Peter alone!" I shout. "At least he's smarter than the bird-brain jock!"

"Who's that?" Flash asks. Everyone is laughing.

"It's you, ya dumbo!" Peter shouts with a smile on his face. He is really cute.

"I didn't ask you Peter!" Flash shouts.

"Neither did your mom!" Peter smirks. Everyone laughs. Peter is really Funny, just needed a confidence boost.

"You're just a pathetic no it all, A NERD!!!" Flash shouts. Peter starts walking again.

"Peter is NOT a nerd!!!" I shout. Pete turns, smiles, nods, then walks towards us. Flash swings. Peter dodges. Flash kicks. Peter jumps.

"Do you like my tae kwon do." Peter smirks. Peter grabs Flash's arm and twists it. Peter punches flash really hard in his stomach.

"Ahhh!" Flash screams.

"Peter!" I shout. Peter finally drops Flash. He has a worried look on his face. Then all of a sudden Peter starts sprinting to his next class. I keep running after him. "Peter!" I do track and I still can't run that fast. I had to stop and catch my breath. Peter looks back once but kept running. "Peter." I whisper. He stopped looked at me and mouthed 'I'm sorry'.

"I guess he is a freak boy." Flash says as he manages to stand up.

"He is not a freak boy." I say.

"Then what is he?" Flash snapped.

"A good friend, my friend." I snap back.

"Yea a real good friend." Flash says.

"yeah, 10 times better than you'll ever be, at least he's not a selfish jerk like you, you've broken his camera twice in 3 months you jerk."

"I'm not the one who beat him up."

"Actually you are." I winched.

"Poor Petey, or should I say freak boy."

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