Captain and Stark

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"He has a star tattooed on his right hand.'' Thats how I'll find this low-life scum. I've already caught 12 guys that look identical to him, but I didn't find him yet. As I swing through the air I listen to the police roader I hacked into.

"Left on main, Right on 44rth, U-Turn onto Paddock, now right onto the straight away. Suspect: shoulder length blonde hair, green eyes." I smile then I dive into save the day. My spider sense is going crazy. I turn to see, nothing. I look all around me. Still nothing. I finally look up to see Iron Man a couple meters above me. Just hovering there.

"Hello, Spiderman, is it?" Tony Stark, the prime inventor of the suit said. "This crime scene was a fake to try and find you, and guess what, it worked." I could see right through his iron mask. Right into his brown crispy eyes.

"Nice to meet you Tony." I reach up to grab his arm, and he 'slaps' my arm down. Of course my spidey sense tells my so I put my arm down but he still tapped me a little bit.

"I don't handshake criminals." He says. I want to tear that smug look off his face. "Why so you keep targeting blondes?"

"None of you're business. And by the way, I'm not a criminal."

"J. Jonah Jamison says differently."

"Yea and he also says that Iron Man suit makes you look fat." I could tell that he'd had enough fun and games at that point. He lifted me up. I wasn't scared, I was just no okay with being dropped a hundred feet off the ground.

"You listen here, kid." Did he just call me a kid? "I'm the hot shot around here. You're just a vigilante who 'pretends' to be good."

"Hotshot? But you don't even have super powers." Okay, I know that was mean but I couldn't help laughing. SPIDER SENSE. As I fell I thwipped a web for the top of Starks tower. When he lands he tries to swing for my head, but misses. Now it's time to get dirty. My new electric webbing, I hadn't ever tested it out. Well, originally HAD made it for electro, but let's see if it works on an Iron Man suit. "ZAP!" I shout as my webbing hits his chest. The Iron Man suit was shutting down.

"Jarvis! What's going on!"

"The suit is malfunctioning sir, only 5 seconds until shut down." The robotic thingy said.

"Haha, at least my suit doesn't need to be charged." I said. He swung, but froze in the middle of it. The suit, with him inside of it, fell to the ground.

"This is not funny." Stark said. Stark is my FAVORITE super hero (besides me of course) he is COMPLETELY amazing. But he isn't acting as such. I kneeled down to pick up the suit and help Stark up. All of a sudden Captain America himself was standing right behind me, and I didn't even have to look. He was so quiet, I wasn't even sure if he was there.

"Hi Captain." I say. My hands waving and I could tell he was shocked. I passed Stark to him, but he could barely carry him. So I grabbed it from him. So I could hold him up myself.

"HEY!!! Be careful with my equipment vigilante!" He said, still stuck inside that suit.

"Spider solider, come here." I dropped Stark. Cap.

"OWWW!!!" Stark

"Sorry Stark." Me

"Come Spidey." Cap

"Yes." Me

"Who are you?" Cap

"Spiderman." Me

"You're real name solider." Cap

"What's yours?" Me

"I asked you that question." Cap

"And I asked you too." Me

"Steve Rodgers." Cap

"Okay, write this down in you're book, Spider... Man. Spiderman." I could tell he wanted to slap me. Stark finally, got out of the suit. Me

"So what's you're deal Spidey?" Stark

"My deal is Captain America is my new favorite Avenger." Starks angry now.

"No favorites here." Cap said.

"My name is Peter Parker." I said.

"No for real, what's you're name?" Stark says.

"Peter Parker?" I say.

"But that's the name of the science nerd guy who's gonna be my intern." YES!!!! I got the internship!

"I got it!!! YEAH, This will look so good on my resumé!" I shouted. I know I'm a little dorky but I'm so happy! I took my mask off and hugged Tony. "THANK YOU!!! I MIGHT GET A SCHOLAR SHIP TO THE SCHOOL I WANT!!!!" He looked at me with the 'wow that guys suppose to be a nerd face' but I ignored it.

"So you're Spiderman?" He asked, and I nodded in response. "But you're an honor role student! You've never done any wrong in you're life! But you just defeated an Iron Man!!! Not to mention that you fried its circuits!"

"Yea, I know, sorry about that."

"And you're as strong as the hulk, but you're a nerd!!!"

"It's who Peter Parker is, so it's who Spiderman is."

"But! You have so much potential and you're throwing it away to be Spiderman!?!?"

"When did you become my mom? Speaking of mom's or aunts in this case, mine is at home and it's time for dinner! So bye see ya tomorrow so we can finish this. Byez." Then I jumped out the window.

The last words I heard was "And he's suppose to be a NERD!!!"

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