Stark goes to school

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I let Flash beat me down, in front of everyone. My explanation for the six pack was makeup effects. I 'had' Flash 'pretend to take a hit' and 'used fake blood' for this. The hardest part was letting go of my dignity. The easiest part was getting Flash to go along with this.

"FEEL THAT PETER PARKER!!!" I let him go a little too far. He started punching me to the point where there was blood. The rhino scar opened up, it was so painful having to do this. He started punching me in my face, my eyes. It was so blurry, I could barely make out my surroundings. I didn't even know when he was done punching. Some one had to tell me.

"Peter, he's done." Gwen said as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Ow, this really hurts. Good thing, I'm the cell phone savior." That's me and Gwen's way of saying that I'm Spiderman.

"I love my Cell phone savior." She kissed me.

"I love how you threw you're phone, if not for that, if not for that, I would've never really met you." A few minutes before lunch, Flash returned.

"Hey Spiderman!!!" I swore my heart stopped.

"Yes Daniel!" They were talking to Flash Thompson.

"Are you gonna beat up Parker again!"

"Where is he!!!" I started to run, but all of a sudden I saw someone.

"Well unfortunately you're not gonna be able to beat him up. Because he is with me." It was Tony. "What's this talk about Spiderman?"

"I'm spider, man." Flash whimpered.

"Well I know him, and you're not him."

"You can't stop me from tearing Peter to shreds!" Flash shouts.

"Actually..." Then he pressed his brief case then the iron man suit revolved around him. "So I still can't." Flash ran.

"Hey Stark!" I shout walking towards him.

"Pete! How ya been!"

"Good, good. Are you gonna take me home?" I winked at him.

"Sure, anything for Pete!" We walked out the door then he picked me up, and we flew! I told him to set me down on top of the nearest building. "Hey, what's that?" He said pointing at the blood, and my face.

"Oh, he beat me up." Stark looked furious. "I let him to keep my identity a secret. I take hits like that everyday."

"Everyday? 'Hits'? You're coming to the tower." He lifted me up and flew me to the Stark tower. "Why doesn't 'Spiderman' come to school with you?"

"Cos I'm a nerd, and this has been happening since elementary school." Stark eyes widen.

"Tony! Um... Who's you're guest?" Pepper asked. She's Tonys wife.

"Oh this is-"

"Spiderman, and you must be Pepper." I say.

"Spiderman, but you're just a kid." I am so angry. Sometimes when I get angry I get insanely strong. The cup I was holding was made of wood and the table was made of glass.

"Yup." I said trying NOT to sound angry. My teeth were grinding. I tried to set the cup down ever so gently. *SHATTERING* The whole glass table broke. Pepper looked at the glass in astonishment as it broke. It's all because she watched me very slowly and gently put the cup down. Tony jumped up from the chair unexpectedly, and I put my palm to my face in disappointment.

"Well there's all the proof you need." Tony says.

"I'm sorry, it's just, when I get angry I can't control my strength." I say. Pepper still has her hand over her mouth.

"You're Spiderman." She says. "You're actually Spiderman."

"Yes, I am."

"So what's up with you're strength?" Tony asks as he sits back down.

"Well, my theory proved itself on the first day I got my powers. I woke up and smashed my alarm clock to pieces, then I went to brush my teeth. I broke the brush in half with my grasp. I broke the tube of tooth paste so it came out the front back and sides, but mostly got on me and the mirror. I ripped the adjustment handle off the sink and as I left, I ripped the door nob off one of the doors, but thank god for a two door bathroom." I said. Pepper still had her hand over her mouth.

"Are you gonna buy us a new table?" She asked.

"How much was it?" I asked.

"497 dollars, it was imported from Germany." I froze, I barely have more than 10 dollars, let alone $100

"What about my whole pay for this week?" Pepper nodded. I put the ten dollars in her hand. "It's all I have."

"Oh." She picked up the money. Stared at it for about 10 seconds. Then put the money on my lap and walked away. Tony looked at me. But my back was still turned to him.


"How do you know I'm looking at you?"

"I can feel it. I call it Spider Sense."

"That's all the money you have?"

"I'm not the richest super hero. My mom and-"

"Yea I know. He use to work with me, he was a really smart guy. But then he went to OSCORP. And then."

"I know the rest." I said with just a touch of despair in my voice.

"Here. Please keep it." Stark dropped $1,000 dollars on to my lap. My jaw dropped. "It's the least I can do."

"Aunt Mae.... I'll be... So happy."

"This is just for you, another grand goes to your Aunt Mae." When he said that, I wanted to cry. I was so happy. My aunt has to work a morning shift from 6:30 a.m./ 2:45 p.m. then another shift from 4:00 p.m./ 9:45 p.m. and that still barely pays our rent. She's gonna have to retire soon, but this is over a WHOLE months pay.

"Thank you, thank you, thankyou, THANKYOU!!! I can buy new clothes, a new camera. Even a new SkateBoard!!! And aunt Mae.... Can buy her oldlady stuff. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" I reached out to hug Stark, but.

"WAIT!!! Before you hug me, let me do something." He ran out of the room. Wow, I'm kinda embarrassed. Oh thank god he's returning, with a.... Protective suit. "Now you can hug me. I just didn't want to turn out like that glass table." He said pointing at the remains. I smiled, that's one thing I haven't done in a while. Now I was super happy. I could feel my muscles tensing, I could feel this hug would break his ribs. But he was wearing a protective suit made out of wrestling gear, and at least five pillows. So he's probably be okay. *CRUNCH*

"Thank you STARK!!!" I shout.

"You're CRUSHING MY SPINE!!!" I let go of him because I don't wanna break him. He is AND forever will be my favorite superhero.

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