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You know that feeling when you feel all alone, like no one is there for you. That's what I've been feeling for the last month. I haven't left my room. Tony or Pepper will walk in here and there to talk to me, but I just pretend like I cannot hear them, and half the time I don't even really notice them. My soul feels empty and sad. When ever Tony or Pepper try to get me out of bed, I send Redd and Blu to make sure they leave me alone. I haven't eaten in like a week, the hunger pains are not as bad as the pains I feel in my soul. To Gwen's death, hunger feel like a itsy bitsy paper cut. Until one morning, Tony had gone to South America to settle down some crowds. I look out the window, I haven't seen light, for like a month. I see the rhino. I see my suit hanging on the wall. I look at it and sit up.

"The spider arises." Pepper says smirking at me. I didn't even talk, I just suited up. "You don't need that, the world knows who you are." Oh yea, I forgot. I still put it on any way. I swing put my window to find the rhino.

''Spiderman! Or should I say PETER PARKER." He shouts. I didn't even acknowledge his statement. I used some of my thick webbing, and wrapped him up like a burrito. It made me feel, good. Really good. It made me wanna say a quip.

''BURRITO!!!" I shout. It made me feel all good inside. Maybe..... I'm over Gwen's death, JUST A LITTLE BIT!!! The rhino breaks out of the webbing, and knocks me out.


I wake up to a room with, a lot of people.

"Where's uncle Ben?" I ask backing up slowly. There were a lot of famous people in the room. Tony Stark, Captain America, and Nick Fury. "Where's Aunt Mae?"

"Do you know who Spiderman is?" Tony says walking towards me.

"Spider what? You still didn't answer me! WHERE IS MY FAMILY!!!" I shout while standing up.

"Damn it." Tony says quickly underneath his breath. One of the doctors walked closer to me. This really weird thing happens. I jump up, and stick to the ceiling. "AHH!!! I can't get down! What did you do to me!!!" I say. I'm flipping out. "GET ME OFF!" I scream. I'm starting to cry.

"Calm down, you know who I am, right Peter?" Tony said.

"Yes, how do you know my name. What's wrong with me." I say quivering my words.

"You live with me."

"Where's my Mae, and Ben?"

"They're gone, that's why you live with me."

"What's wrong with me."

"You are a super hero, do you know today's date?"

"8/15/06 today we were suppose to go to the zoo." And then I fell off the ceiling. "OWW!!!"

"Do you wanna go to the zoo?" Tony said walking closer.


"How old are you?"

"7. I will be 8 in three weeks."

"You are 17 in right now, well at least you were."


Peters body had shrunken down to the size of a 5 year old, but it was really a 7 year old, he was really short, but in a cute kinda way.

"Peter, do you remember me?" I say as soon as Tony is done explaining everything to him.

"I'm sorry, you must be my beautiful girlfriend Gwen." Peter say rubbing his hair back.

"You wish buddy." Tony says nudging him.

"I'm Tonys wife." I say trying not to slap him in the face.

"Ohh. Then where is Gwen?" He said, Tony didn't finish the job, as usual.

"She isn't here either." Tony said giving some hints.

"Ohhh, with my aunt and..." He started to cry.

"Peter darling, oh don't cry, we're still here for you." I said crouching in on him. He was so cute and little. He grabbed me and sobbed. "Hush Peter, it's okay." I say hugging him tighter. I am sooo happy! I always wanted a little boy, and I was holding one in my arms.

"Where's my family?" He said hugging me tighter. Little body, same strength.

"We're right here, we're your family." I said starting to get chocked up. He cried, again.

As soon as he was finished, he looked up to me and said, "so are we still going to the zoo?" He says while sniffling.

"Of course we are Peter."

He jumps up, "THEN LETS GET GOING THEN!!!" He shouts, flying out the door.

______________Peter (still seven)___________

"I wanna see da zebras n da elephants n fishes n lions n tigers n EVERYTHING!!!" I shout in the car. I'm so excited. "What super powers do I have? Can I mind read, do I have X-ray vision, CAN I FLY!!!" I scream.

"None of that." Tony says.

"Well he can mind read." Pepper says

"Yea I guess, he can also swing from a web, stick to walls, super strength, and shocky fingers."

"What's is shocky fingers?" I take my mask off.

"No! Put your mask back on." It seems dumb, so I pull back over my face. This whole costume is really baggy. "How about we run to the store and buy you a new costume one will actually fit you." Tony says pulling on how baggy my suit is. I nod, this is really weird.

"But we're still going to the zoo, right." I say raising both my hands in the air.

"Yes." Tony said finally looking at the road. "Are you smart, like above average." Tony asks.

"Was your first suit actually made of a blend of steel and titanium, instead of iron?" I say while crossing my arms.

"See Pepper, I told you this kid was a genius." Tony says with a huge ol' grin on his face.

"I wouldn't say genius, but very smart." I say. "I don't remember much, but I do remember class. I had mr. Saultman, I had mrs. Phinle, and mrs. Dean." Then I remembered my fifth grade year. Then my body grew two inches. "Woah." I say. Tony looks back. He looks and pulls the car over.

"What happened!" He shouted at me.

"Growth spirt?" I squealed.

"How old are you now?" Pepper asks.

"11?" I squeak. We sit in silence for a minute. I break it. "Can we still go to the zoo?" Tony starts the engine. He looks back once, but we go to walmart, and buy a costume. Then we get in the car and go to the zoo.

[GARBAGE STORY] Spiderman or Peter?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن