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As we enter the classroom, the teacher seems like, she's in denial.

"What are yal lookin at?" Blu says.

"How ugly your suit is." I say while nudging him. Everyone's laughing.

"Says da person who looks just like dead pool."

"At least I don't look like the sky had a baby."

"At least I'm not the ugly one."


"And I have the pretty half."


"Dead pool has a son!"

"SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!!!" The teacher shouts.

"We should really merge." I say while finding my seat.

After that, Blu and I had to think wether or not if we should merge. We went through a huge list of the pros and the cons. Lots of pros, like two cons. So me and Blu left school early and went to the lab so we can merge.

"Why do you need to leave?"

"We have a dentist appointment," and "A family emergency." Came out all scrambled up together. "We have to go to the dentist, and then go to the hospital to see our relative." We said all mumbley and barely together.

"Okay... Umm, I hope they get better?" The teacher said while writing us a pass.

"Thanks Mrs. P." We say while grabbing the pass.

As I say goodbye to my one and only brother I will ever have, I flick the switch. Well, we flick it. I hold onto his hand, as he squeezes mine.

"I actually love you bro!" I shout.

"I've loved you this whole time!" He shouts. I wave with my hand as the waves with his. We hug, and then- We fused.

----------PETER PARKER-----------

I wake up lying on the floor of Tonys lab. I look down to see I have six arms. 6+2=8 so I really do look like a spider. I can suck my arms in and out. I can remember both Blu and Redd, and their memories. I have twice the power I had before and the perk! No venom. I leave the lab and start webbing my way back to school.

"TONY!!!" I shout entering the principals office.

"Spidey!" Tony says running towards me. "What about your arms?''

"I have four extra, but I'm still alive!" I shout while popping my arms out.

"Ohh." Tony said backing up.

"Now I am the human spider." I say while lifting one of my arms up to my face in a Dracula position.

"Okay..." Tony said not really interested. I sucked my arms back in. "Does that hurt?"

"No." I say. I lean in towards Tony. "Just sayin that Peter Parker can never have an X-Ray again." I say while nudging him. He laughs. Then stops.

"Do you remember anything?"

"Everything. Man they were annoying!" I smile.

"They are you."


"Are you excited for graduation?"

"Excuse me."

"You are really smart, along with a few people in school, so you will be graduating in a few weeks with the seniors."


"Yupidy do dah."

"Is Gwen?"


"I cannot wait!"

That's when I realized that Gwen will be leaving me. She's going to England, and I'm gonna be stuck in New York.

[GARBAGE STORY] Spiderman or Peter?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें