Hospital Crazy

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"Have you seen Spiderman?" I stood up, it hurt a lot cos I was bleeding real hard.

"He is a hero! He saved my life because it took you lazy bums 20 minutes to get in here!" Why did I say that, now he's not gonna help me.

"Yea we took a long time, we didn't know you were in there. Okay. Almost. Alright easy now, yup that's it." He says gently.

"Get off of me I'm fine!" Actually I'm not whatsoever, but I certainly don't need his help.

"Wow, tuff kid." I nod and lift one hand up. "You're really strong."

"Thanks." He nods.

"Are, you the rhino?" He asks.

I smirk. "You're kidding right?" I ask.

"Yea, I thought so." He says sarcastically. "Let's get you to the hospital." Wow, usually I just do my own medical stuff when it comes to being Spiderman, but this time I'm going to an actual hospital.

"No, I'm fine." I say. But he doesn't care.

"Kid, calm down!" I'm yelling and shouting it took 14 police officers to hold me down. "I don't wanna go to the hospital!" I yell. People are staring at me as if I was mad. The put me into the stretcher and strapped me down. I started freaking out. I could've broken out, but I'd show my super strength, if I hadn't already. My sore is starting to burn. The more I move, the more it bleeds, and hurts. They've used laughing gas, 27 shots of anesthesia, and 4 tranquilizer darts, but I was still wide awake. "LET ME GO!!!!" I shout, but no one will listen.

"Who are you?" The police officer asks.

"I'm you're mother! LET ME GO!!!" I yell. After that I shout for help. But they just cover my mouth with a covering so you cannot here me yell. I start crying for about ten minutes, then I sincerely apologized, and they took my cover off.

"Now for real! Who are you!!!" The officer shouts.

"The constitution says I do not have to answer that, I plead the 5th!!!" I say. "And you have to let me go, it is a part of my rights!" The un-cuff me from the operating table while also apologizing. I nod to show gratitude I walk at least a block before I go in an alley and web my self over to Gwen's house. I knock on her window. And then the 27 shots of anesthesia and tranquilizers started working as I passed out on her windowsill.

I woke up stuffed in a shoe closet then I heard, "What are you hiding from me! I bet you it's in you're closet!" I love being Spiderman. As the mother goes to open the closet I climb so quietly while giving my love a kiss. She waves, then I realized she hadn't fixed me up at all. When I got up to my room I passed out. Not like took a nap, like literally passed out.

"Peter I'm home!!!" Aunt Mae! There was blood all over my bed, and my suit was still on. I smart locked my door. "Peter?"

"I'm naked aunt Mae!" I shout.

"Oh heavens to Betsy! I'm sorry Peter!"

"It's fine!" I say hoping she goes away. "I have to go in a few minutes!"

"Alright, be home my 9 alright?"

"Yup, this time I will not be late." I say disappointedly.

"Okay, 9:30. Just try to be home by then."

"Yea, I get it." The she knocked on the door and walked down stairs. "Pffew." I say when I know she can't here me. I start to stitch my self up and I kept pinching myself, I gave out one shout, but other than than that I'm fine. I got up to go and confront Alyssa. "Aunt Mae, I'm leaving!!!" She nodded and shooed me off. I swung to her house and changed quickly. When she opened the door I wanted to slap her.

"Hi boyfriend!" She hugged me. I shoved her off and looked down. "Come in! Oh, wait here's your phone!"
I gave her one glare.

"Why did you do that." I say. She looked up. I knew, she knows, she's just playin dumb.

"What?" She says playfully.

"No, don't! Why'd you do that to GWEN!!!"

"She stole you from me!"

"You stole me from her, we are done, we were done a week ago, you're a sick twisted girl! Bye Alyssa!" I slammed the door in her face.

But as I walked away, she came running back saying "I Need you! You're my life! I cannot be dumped by, A JOCK!"

"Well it looks like you just did, and for the record, I AM A NERD!!!" I shout, and this time I am proud of being a nerd, thats what uncle ben thought of me, and that was a good thing.

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