Peter not Spidey. Spiderman not Pete.

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As I walk back into Starks tower, for the first time in a while, I was greeted by a HUGE rack of skateboards. Some with Iron Man, another couple of me (Spiderman) and some of us together. My favorite one was near the bottom and it said "Nice story bro, but you still ain't cooler than me." And it had a web holding all the letters on it. All of them were shiney and new. There was only one thing wrong, the card says Peter.

"Do you like the gift I got for you?"

"Yes! Thank you Tony!" I shout. "But the card says to Peter." I say.

"Yea, that's your name." Tony says looking all confused, he knows what happened.

"No that's Peters name."

"Then who are you?"

"I'm Spiderman."


"I'm not Peter."

"Excuse me?"

"I told you Venom stole my body, as in Peters."

"You were FREAKIN SERIOUS! Where is he!"

"I don know, I thought you were okay with it."

"Okay!?" He said out of breath, I think he's having an anxiety attack. He fell on the floor while gasping for air. He flexed his hands and the suit flew to him.

"Woah bud, I'm one half of Peter, but just not the whole thing." I said raising my hands. "Venom has him, but I can show you where he might be.

"WHERE!!!" He said raising his hand blaster.

"In sector C12 of the sewers!" I say covering my face.

"The sewers!" He said with a complaining touch in his voice.

"Yea, the nice part. Away from the sewage." I nodded. I could tell he wanted to punch me. "The only way you can remove Peter from venom is with a molecular separator. And you'll have to reverse the process to put us together." I say. I know what I'm talking about, unlike Peter, I have the smart, dorky and responsible side, Peter has the fun, kinda smart (no really smart, he just doesn't act it), skater side. So I wouldn't know what to do with the skateboards. Tony flew out the window contacting every shield agent. I thwipped on to his suit so I could help too. Peter may be irresponsible, and a little reckless at times, but he's still me.


It almost seems I can't go ten minutes without the venom beast taking over my head. I have been living in the sewers like a hermit. It's so lonely here, but venom will talk here and there. His main diet is rats, mice , moss, and algae. It's really boring. The ten minutes I have before he takes over, are usually spent on how to get out of here. But it always stops me. I've been waiting for that coward Spiderman to save me. Although I could indeed save myself, but venom won't leave me alone. I'm right by the tail gate of the sewer (which means the opening is right above me and I just have to lift it up. But when ever I touch it I go venom. I've been here for two weeks and no one has come to save me. The only thing I'm surviving on is the algae build up around the sides. I can drink the water because it's purified, but it's still a little grody. The thing that sucks the most is that I don't even have my powers. I keep waiting each day for them to save me. Then out of no where I hear a repulser blast.

"PETER!!!!" Tony shouts looking all over.

"Tony!" I scream stepping out of the darkness. When I step into the light I realized how dirty I actually am. I run towards him and squeeze.

"You seem weak, what happened." Tony asks.

"That spider freak stole my powers." I shout as the webhead walks in.

"If it weren't for this spider, venom would still have you hostage." He shouts at me. Venom, I completely forgot.

"Oh snap! Back up, NOW!!! He's still here!" Tony looks confused. "You- you- PATHETIC MORONS!!!" Venom takes over. After that things get a little fuzzy. I feel a shot of pain running through me and venom, then I have control. "Stark," I say as I fall to the ground. "How'd you do that."

''Your friend over there told me about a molecular separator. But now, we just have to find venom." Tony says cautiously. I stare at the spider and I think how were we even together. He's so strong, and I'm so... not. As Tony forces the rest of venom into a jar, I just can't help but think, he was a part of me.

"Can I go home?" I ask wearily.

"Nope, I live with him now." Spidey

"Hey as soon as I can you two are going back together again." Tony

"As soon?" Spidey

"Well, I haven't found away to reverse the process, for about two weeks, you two will be living together." Tony says quietly.

"TWO WEEKS!!!!" Me and him say simultaneously. I wanted to slap him. And I'm sure he wanted to do the same. "But he's! I don't wanna!" We say.

"My decision is final." Tony says. As I touched him, a spray of electricity went through my body. I had my powers back, and so did he. Two spidermen, one school, one house, one sense.


"Gwen's mine." I say as soon as I walk through the door.

"Where have you been for the last week? Oh yea, not with her." He shouts. Gwen, Pepper, Cap, and Nick are all sitting on the couch. We both have our suits on. Gwen looks super confused.

"Hiya Gwen!" We both shout.

"I knew her first!" I shout.

"No, if it weren't for me, you'd never be together!" He shouts. We both get into a punching, slapping, and whatever else fight. I pull him to the ground.

"She's mine!", "Never!", "I love her!" We scream.

"Hey!" Tony shouts. We both stopped.

"You're just an idiot who can't count to three." I yell.

"Can Too!!! You're just a nerd who can't even lift a pound up." He shouts.

"Yea I can!" I scream. Fury whistles causing both of us to stop.

"You're acting like children!" Gwen shouts. Everyone's staring at her.

"I'm sorry." We say. "No he's not! I am! Stop copying me!" We shout.

"Stop it! Until you!" She pauses. "Until you figure this, Whole thing out! I won't be seeing! EITHER OF YOU!!!" She screams. "Please take me home."

"I will!" We scream.

"No! Tony, please take me home." She says with anger in her voice. Tony grabs on to her, and they fly out the window.

'I feel like crap' I say mentally.

'Same here' he thinks staring at me.

'You can hear me'

'I think so'

'Ugh, this stinks'

'I don't know what to do'

'Ask me'

'What about Gwen'

'We should leave her alone'

'What about school'

'We'll go together'

'What about crime'

'Well we will save the day'

'What about us' he asks. I shrug not knowing what to say. We just drove "our" girlfriend away, and we kept fighting after. A whole two weeks with him. This is gonna take forever.

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