Chapter 32

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Axle and Liam head back to the apartment after playing videogames almost day. Axle warms up some Ramen in his Instant Ramen Cooker. Liam wasn't very hungry. He just wanted to watch a movie. Maybe something other than Ariel this time.

Liam searches through the stack of movies then looks at all the marvel movies Axle has. He shrugs as he puts it in the box.

Captain America: The First Avenger

Liam gets up and plops on the couch tiredly.

"You'll like what movie we're watching." Liam says getting up again and walking over to Axle in the kitchen.

"That's what you say all the time." Axle says sighing.

"No, this time is different. I promise."

"That's what you say all the time." Axle repeats.

"No I absolutely promise." Liam begs as he looks up smiling his sweet smile giving axle his pinkie.

"Okay." Axle sighs taking Liam's finger and shaking it making Liam promise.

"Yay!" Liam smiles going over to the couch, making room for Axle to sit comfortably.

As Axle sits Liam grabs the remote excitedly and presses play. As they commercials for new movies which are long old by now come on then the movie plays. And as the beginning plays, Axle's eyebrows rise and his lips curve into a smile as he eats his hot beef ramen.

The ramen is not what you see when you go to the store. It's actual real ramen that is from a ramen shop that buys ramen straight from China. And of course they have to freeze it.

"Thank you, Liam." Axle smiles kissing Liam's cheek.

"Hey, you watch The Little Mermaid with me all the time. It's the least I can do." Liam smiles.

"Yeah cause that's boring." Axle teases.

"Augh...Captain America is boring." Liam scoffs.

"Please...Captain America is the best movie of all time." Axle frowns.

"That is a definite lie."

"Whatever. You just don't understand true art." Axle says smirking.

"And you know what art is because?" Liam starts as he asks the rhetorical question.

"Last time I checked, I wasn't the one who drew an ugly cat, claiming it was a horse." Axle says tilting his head towards Liam waiting for him to reply.

"Well, last time I checked, I can sing without breaking a note."

"I can sing without breaking a note." Axle claims.

"Yeah so that horse I drew actually looked like a horse." Liam says sassily.

"Whatever. Let's just watch the best movie of all time." Axle winks.

"Whatever." Liam pouts obliviously.


Axle heard a knock at the door so he got up easily moving Liam off of his chest. When he opened the door he saw Lisa and his eyebrows rose.

"Hey Lisa..what's up." Axle says emotionless.

"I need to speak to Liam real quick please." Lisa says. Axle nods and wakes Liam up to go talk to Lisa.

"Hey Aunt Lisa. Where's Mark?" Liam asks as he walks to the door rubbing his eyes.

"At the hotel." Lisa says.

"Oh...Axle said you wanted to talk to me about something?" Liam questions. Lisa nods smiling.

"Well......this is so hard to say. Especially since you are so have to move in with me and Oregon." Lisa says after big pauses that Liam was waiting patiently for.

"W-what?" Liam whimpers.

"Yes...I'm so sorry. But we have to. We were fine knowing you were down here with your dad but we didn't know that he was hurting you. So feeling so closed off to you seems a bit too hard now. And you are only 16." Lisa says softly.

"No....Aunt Lisa.....I can't." Liam says as he feels a lump in his throat and tears threaten to fall as they build up and collect in his eyes.

"I don't think you have a choice, Liam. I'm sorry." Lisa says sternly making this the end of the discussion. Liam looks down sadly. He thinks about Troy. He thinks about Ethan. But most importantly he thinks about Axle. Will he go back to his old ways? Or will he remain the same? Like right now.

Liam nods as he sniffs.

"We'll leave next week so you can have time to tell your friends bye." Lisa says hugging Liam.

'Why not just leave right now?! It's not like you care about my friends enough for me to actually say bye!' Liam internally screams in frustration as Lisa walks away.

Liam walks back inside slamming the door. Axle looks over at him with worry as Liam rests his elbows on the island in the kitchen and bows his head down letting few tears fall down. Axle frowns as he walks over to Liam.

"What is it Liam? You can tell me." Axle rubs Liam's back reassuringly. Liam immediately latches onto Axle hugging him tightly.

"I have to move away to Oregon." Liam cries. Axle wraps one of his big arms around Liam's tiny waist as Liam wrapped his arms tightly around Axle's neck.

"Oh Liam...I'm so sorry. I'll miss you so much baby." Axle whispers softly in Liam's ear as he rubs Liam's waist up and down. Those words make Liam cry harder.

"I'll m-miss you t-too." Liam says sadly as he pulls away wiping his teared up face. He goes up on his tippy toes to kiss Axle goodbye. Even though he's leaving in a week it still feels as though today is their last. Liam uses one hand to cup Axle's cheek as he deepens the kiss taking Axle to the couch and pushing on it.

"Wait...Lia-" Axle starts but he gets interrupted by Liam kissing his already swollen lips. Liam grinds his hips against Axle aggressively causing a groan to come out of Axle's mouth immediately going into Liam's.

Axle was about to burst and have sex with Liam immediately so that he wouldn't be able to walk for days. But he restrained his beast as much as he could and pulled away as he flipped Liam over easily pinning his arms above his head.

"As much as I'd love to. We can't. You aren't emotionally I can't believe I just said no to sex." Axle says sighing.

"Oh....uh yeah. Who would've thought?" Liam blushes.

"Let's just watch the movie." Axle says softly letting Liam rest on his lap and chest.

Axle didn't know what that sexual outburst was but luckily Liam calmed down and Axle calmed down too. If he didn't then he would have been moving in and out of Liam aggressively right now. The poor boy wouldn't be able to do anything for days.

Liam did not want Axle to go back to his sexual ways but he honestly did not think he would hop on Axle so hungrily the way he did.

"I'm sorry Axle. I caught you off guard. I don't know what happened." Liam said softly in Axle's ear.

"It's fine. It was real hot. And I really wanted to. Like bang you so hard. But just couldn't. That's like a sober person having sex with a drunk person. They aren't in their right mind. And I wouldn't take advantage of you like that. It isn't fair to me because you don't really mean it, and it isn't fair to you because I'm okay with it." Axle says softly rocking Liam side to side.

"Yeah, I know." Liam says immediately falling asleep afterwards.

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