Chapter 31

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Mark closes the door and Lisa and Liam just stay there. Right when he closes the door, after 5 seconds the door opens and Mark smiles and wraps a long arm around Lisa.

"Don't forget what I said Axle." Mark smiles.

"Y-y-yes sir." Axle nods quickly. Liam had never seen him like this and was genuinely surprised.

"Bye Mark. Bye Lisa." Liam says smiling and then again concerned.

"Bye Liam." Mark and Lisa say in unison.

"What did he say to you?" Liam asks as Axle closes the door.

" was scary." Axle sighed as he plumped on the couch. Liam sat down next to him and laid his head on Axle's shoulder. Axle wrapped an arm around Liam's waist and kisses his cheek.

"How was it?" Axle asks.

"Nice. I tried not to cry."

"And did you?"


"You are still strong."

"Thank you Axle.....*silence*...Axle." Liam says getting Axle's attention.

"What's up?"

"Can you tell me what happened to your family?" Liam asks. Axle smiles then nods.

"Yeah." Axle says getting up to make some hot chocalate first and gather his thoughts. He made two cups and sat down as he gave Liam a cup.

"Can I get more whipped cream?" Liam asks sweetly as he looks up at Axle. Axle couldn't say no. He went to get the whole can from the refrigerator. He put some in Liam's cup.

"Say aaaahh." Axle says bending down a bit.

"Aaaaahhh." Liam says before the noise gets muffled by whipped cream. Axle smirks as he goes back to the refrigerator and puts the can back. He comes back to the couch to a struggling Liam attempting to get all the whipped cream in his mouth.

"I'll help." Axle says going over to stick his tongue down Liam's throat helping him get all the whipped cream. Liam's eyes widen but he doesn't push Axle away. Obviously. He just stays there enjoying the moment.

"Why did you do that? I wanted all of it." Liam pouts obliviously.

"Don't complain. You liked it." Axle said licking his lips.

"Yeah...I did. But it didn't distract me. You will still tell me what happened." Liam says raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Okay." Axle says sitting down. Liam a just his body quickly like it's storytime.

"I'm ready!" Liam smiles excitedly. Axle smiles.

"We lived in Fort Hood Texas. I had a mom. Her name was Genevieve. A dad. His name was Antonio. And a little sister. Sarah. My dad was an amazing inventor. He was very rich. And my mom was an architect. So she made a lot of money too. We were rich. One day we wanted to explore and there was an attack. The one in 2009. I was 10. My mom and dad were both killed in the shootings. It was just me and my sister. We both were in the hospital. We thought she would just be one of the people who were injured....but....she died." Axle said.

"I....I'm sorry." Liam says surprised that Axle isn't showing any emotions at all. Just that moment of silence before he said that word...he showed emotion.


Liam looks down sadly as Axle stares at the blank, and rather boring, wall. Liam doesn't know whether to touch Axle or leave him be. But when Axle looks at Liam smiling with teary eyes, he takes that chance to wrap his small skinny arms around Axle. Axle smiles although he is a bit uncomfortable leaning down all the way to Liam. He smiles as he pulls Liam in between his legs.

"Axleeee.....I'm supposed to hug you. Not you hug me." Liam pouts. Axle chuckles a bit and Liam rested his head down on Axle's big chest. This was better. A while lot better than than crouching down just so Liam would hug him.

"It's fine. I like this better." Axle said holding Liam.

"Okay." Liam shrugs snuggling closer.


In the morning Liam fixed some breakfast. When Axle woke up it smelled surprisingly good. He walked over to Liam who was humming to whatever.

They had fallen asleep on the couch after the nice long cuddle. It's about 10 in the morning.

When Axle walked in he sighed as he saw broken egg shells on the ground and burnt eggs in a pan. Axle chuckled then went to get some spray.

He came back with a towel and spray and put it on the kitchen island. He walked over to Liam who was just stirring the black eggs like they weren't burnt.

" know those are burnt...right?" Axle says coming up from behind Liam to hug him from behind.

"I thought so...." Liam says laughing nervously.

"Well I'll take you out to eat breakfast."

"Okay." Liam smiles getting the spray Axle set on the island and started to clean up his mess. Axle got ready so that they could go to a diner or some place. Liam scraped off all the eggs from the skillet and soaked it in water then got ready to go.

"Ready?" Axle asks as Liam walks out from the hallway. Liam nods as Axle gets up. They get to his black BMW.

"Hey guys!" Axle and Liam hear as they walk to the car. They look around to match the voice with Ethan's bright and happy face.

"Hey!" Liam says shining happily as he sees Ethan and Troy walk towards them.

"We were just about to come see y'all."

"We were just about to go eat." Axle mumbles.

"You guys wanna come with?" Liam asks. Axle sighs softly to where nobody heard him.

"Yeah! Can we ride in your car?" Ethan asks. Liam looks at Axle smiling. Axle nods. Liam jumps.

"Yay! Let's go." Liam says as he opens the door to get in the car.

Once they get to IHOP they sit and chill without the rush and talk. Once again Axle warms up to Troy and Ethan as he laughs and talks with them. Holding Liam's hand the whole time.

Of course Axle got a couple stares as you never see such a handsome boy on a daily basis. Liam got looks only because he is simply 'too beautiful to be a boy'. But neither of them really cared. Liam actually got a little insecure but when Axle squeezed his hand reassuringly he felt safer than before.

"I want some hot cocoa. Heavy with the whipped cream and chocalate shavings. And....uh....i... want the ham and spinach omelet." Liam smiles.

"What sides?"

"Hash browns."

"You get another."

"Oh...uh...toast. White." Liam says.

"Alrighty. All of your orders should be out soon." The waitress says.

"Okay. Thank you." Troy says, "Hey...we should go play video games at my house after this." Troy suggests as he smiles brightly.

"Okay. That's cool." Axle shrugs rubbing Liam's hand softly. Liam nods as his cheeks turn a soft pink.

"Good!" Troy smiles. Ethan claps happily.

This is the first time they've gotten Axle to agree to hanging out with them without Liam's help. Liam smiles excitedly at Axle's development. He went from a quiet rude person to a sweet softie who got comfortable with hanging out with them.

If people from 9th and 10th grade wouldn't even recognize him as he was the main bully. But now he's grown a small soft spot that will keep growing.

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