Chapter 25: Happiness

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Liam has started to notice how much Axle has changed. He has been a lot softer and sweeter, but still bitter to everyone else. It's like Liam is his VIP. Liam- and Liam only- will be allowed through the velvet rope that Axle built. And I mean a huge velvet rope that no one can get through. The body guards are never off work. They never sleep. Ever. Liam just walks right past them at this moment.

And Axle. He freaks out when he's with Liam. Axle honestly didn't want anyone to live with him. But after looking into Liam's eyes he couldn't look away. Liam's eyes are different. They hold all these emotions, but you can't read them. Unlike Axle where he has dull grey blueish eyes that hold nothing. Liam is on the other side of the velvet rope. Ethan and Troy are negotiating with the guards. But they aren't in yet.


It's almost Christmas time. Right now they are on the break. Liam had to walk from school. With Troy and Ethan of course. They were just released for break.

"Where's Axle? I thought seniors are released at 1 on A-days." Ethan says.

"They are. But he had to go to work."

"Where does he even work?" Troy frowns.

"At some gym." Liam says flopping on the couch. "I wanna watch Ariel."

"Then let's watch it." Ethan says excitedly.

"Nope. I'm not sorry either." Troy says taking the remote from Ethans hands.

"Something else. Please."

"Why?" Ethan and Liam ask in unison.

"I don't want to watch some Disney movie."

"Why not?" Liam asks standing up.

"That's for babies." Troy argues.

"Says who?" Ethan says getting up.

The sight of both Ethan and Liam angry is both scary and adorable. Troy looks around for possible escape routes.

Ha. No such thing.

Ethan leaps forward forcing Troy to the ground. He keeps Troy down while Liam takes the remote from Troy's claws. Troy gets up quickly with Ethan on him causing Ethan to fall on the couch. Troy chases Liam getting closer and closer until Liam throws the remote to Ethan who obviously doesn't catch it.

"Fucking hell Ethan! Seriously?!" Liam days annoyed

"Sorry!" Ethan pleads.

The remote lands on the carpet. He dives down to get it quickly and runs to turn on Ariel.

Troy runs towards Ethan and Liam jumps on his back which catches Troy off guard. With Liam on his back, Troy attempts to run towards Ethan-who tries to back away- and topples on top of him. They were so loud they didn't hear the jiggling of the keys to the door.

Axle walks in on Liam, and Ethan battling Troy for the remote. Ethan on top of Troy again and Liam reaching for the remote desperately.

"What the...?" Axle says his deep low voice going Liam's ears. It was a mere whisper, maybe a little louder with his deep voice. Liam somehow heard.

Liam looking caused Ethan and Troy to look back shocked. Liam smiles awkwardly. Troy coughs causing Ethan to slide off his body slowly.

"Uh...what happened?" Axle says.

"'s all their fault! They were-" Troy starts as he stands in the middle of Ethan and Troy. He point his thumbs to the both.

"What no!-" Liam starts.

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