Chapter 17

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An hour later people came out the closet but only 2 of them didn't make out. The other two got thrown in the pool. A few minutes ago Ethan and Bailey told Axle to change into his costume. Axle didn't wanna fight so he did. Yes, they brought the costume just in case.

"Okay! Troy and Ethan. Me-Jayden and Nicole. Ayy. Ja'vion and Alexandria. And Axle and Kaitlyn." Ethan and Bailey scream their fangirl screams in anger. Troy just shrugs happy get got to be with a friend. Jayden gets so excited and happy when he got Nicole. Axle is shocked but shows no emotion as Kaitlyn smiles happily she takes out her fake vampire teeth throinw them in the trash knowing they'd get in her way. When she hoes in the closet Axle follows behind her.

"Hey, Axle. We haven't talked in a while." Kaitlyn says.

"True." Axle nods.

"Look, Axle. I know you still want me. And it's okay cause I want you, baby." Kaitlyn says getting closer to Axle and rubbing his bicep and the rest of his arm muscles.

"I don't know Kaitlyn. Lately it's-"

"Weird. I know. But I really promise. I broke up with my boyfriend. I bet even if I still had my boyfriend you'd still fuck me."

"Kaitlyn..." Axle says wanting to give in, but he just doesn't think she's attractive anymore.

"Please Axle." She says rubbing all over his neck, getting closer to him. She plays in his hair before settling back on his. Cheek. He squints his eyes. Then relaxes and nods.

She smirks going in closer leading him in a heated make out.

"Thank you." Kaitlyn says sighing against Axle's swollen pink lips. He wraps his arms around Kaitlyn's tiny waist. He walks her over to the wall and pins her against it. She giggles. He sucks under her neck as she moans slightly.

Axle wants to stop. But he just can't. He doesn't know why either. Is it cause he was drunk? Is it cause he actually missed Kaitlyn? Could it be he was thinking of Liam? No.

It couldn't be.

"Axle?" Kaitlyn asks. Axle had stopped giving her love bites and kisses. Out of nowhere.

"Oh...uh sorry." He says resuming his work.

His mind then again went straight to Liam causing him to get a little bit more passionate with his kisses. Not getting tired like he was. Kaitlyn definently liked it.

Kaitlyn Mueller has always been a little wild. She lost her virginity at 14 with Axle. But she has had oral sex ever since she was a moody, hormonal 12 year old.

Her mom and dad are never home, so of course she was spoiled and free. Parents who are like that will most likely have a teen mom as a daughter. No surveillance causes then to become loose from your protective grasps and be wild and roam and explore.


Liam doesn't know how he feels. He doesn't know Axle very well, and yet he acts as a home away from home. He thought he'd find that in Oliver who is from Australia. But he offers nothing. He has never even touched Axle so how can he crave his touch.

Maybe it's because Axle is very handsome and makes him all nervous.

'Forget it.' He thinks turning around to give Oliver his attention.


Ethan and Troy just sit in the big closet. Ethan's heart is racing and going so fast he winning the race.

"So...." Troy says awkwardly.

"Yep..." Ethan blushes.

"Why is this so awkward?" Troy asks.

" I don't know." Ethan clears his throat.

"I wonder if Liam is sad about the whole Axle and Kaitlyn thing in the closet. I can hear them from here. Poor Liam." Troy says sad. That's when Ethan feels anger. From that anger he gets enough confidence to stand up and scream at the tall boy sitting down.

"I can't BELIEVE YOU right now! You're always like 'Liam Liam Liam.' BUT WHAT ABOUT ME?" Ethan screams then covers his mouth. Troy stands in shock. Ethan goes limp waiting for his rejection.

"D-do you l-like me?" Troy asks. Ethan can't even speak. He just nods.

"I know. It's stupid. If you're bothered I'll try to stop liking you. Or I'll stop being your friend if you want." Ethan says sadly.

"I am over Liam." Troy says.

"You really dont act like it." Ethan frowns.

"I know. I'm sorry. Actually, since we have been hanging out a lot, I've wanted to get to know you more...wel I your friend." Troy smiles.

"That's nice. I dont remember when I started liking you. But when I did I was dead ass confused about my life choices,  then-" Ethan starts.

"Shut up, Ethan." Troy says connecting their lips. Ethan touches all over Troy's body causing Troy to press harder against Ethan causing Ethan to moan at the friction between their bulges.

5 minutes

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