Chapter 24

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Liam and Axle leave and go to the parking lot which leaves Liam confused. They usually just go out the front. But this time they are going in the back to the parking lot.

"Why are we in the parking lot?" Liam asks. Axle smiles and says nothing.

'Why is he like this?!' Liam thought.

"I got a car."


'How did he pay?'

"I. Got. A. Car." Axle says then he smiles at the end. They walk up to the black BMW.

"WOW!" Liam says a little bit too excitedly.

"Yep." Axle says as Liam cheers happily.

"Come on. Get in." Axle actually opened the door for Liam. Once he closed it and walked around the car, Liam was in love with that new car smell. Axle opened the door and hoped in.

"Can't you just tell me?"

"Tell you what?" Axle smirks.

"Where we are going!" Liam pouts annoyed.

"Nah." Axle says. Liam groans and sits back.


Liam and Axle pull up to a nice restaurant
It was a house, but they made it into a restaurant. Once Liam walked in he immediately smelled bread and tomato sauce. It was very cozy. Warm. Welcoming, which was a rarity. He felt so comfortable already. Australia had few places like this, but he loved them all. He had never felt so comfortable.

"Take a seat anywhere you'd like." The waitor says.

"Okay. Where you wanna sit?" Axle says.

"By the window." Liam says walking there. Axle follows him.

"This is Italian. I know the owner. Me and my...fam-...friends...uh would come here when we were little." Axle says half lying. And Liam knows. But he doesn't want to ask about Axle's family. Not yet.

"Yeah. I mean I see why. It's relaxing. How do you know the owner?"

"I work here sometimes."


"Yeah. He's an old, Italian dude. Real nice. He has a pure accent."

"He doesn't have family?"

"He has family in Italy. And few here. But they're either too old to help or too young." Axle says.

"Hello. Welcome to Salsa di Pomodoro. Here are your menus."

"Thank you." Liam says taking a menu. Axle does the same. The waitor leaves.

"I'll just have a simple pasta bowl."

"It won't seem so simple once you taste it." Axle smiles.

"Oh..well then I can't wait." Liam smiles excitedly.

"Are you ready to order? Or more time?" The waitor asks.

"I'm ready."

"Okay." The waitor says taking out a notebook.

"I'll have spaghetti."

"Okay. Meatballs?"


"Okay." The waitor says looking in Axle's direction.

"I'll have a calzone."

"Okay. Drinks?"

"Coke." Axle says.

"Water." Liam says.

"Alright. Your food will be out shortly. I will give you your drinks right now." The waitor says rushing out.

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