Chapter 16

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Oliver looks up, uncomfortably smiling while Liam blushes. Liam coughs and looks down. Oliver just moves away from Liam smiling his usual sly manipulating smirk.

"Hey grumpy. What's up?" Oliver smirks.

"Nothing at all." Axle says folding his arms and rolling his eyes. Liam shifts his weight from his heels to his toes as he rocks back and forward.

"Then what's with the grumpy face?" Oliver smirks making direct eye contact. Axle does the deadliest death stare. If looks could kill Oliver would drown in his own blood. Liam shivers at the tension. He finally claps once and laughs walking over to Axle.

"Well that's great um I'll see you later Oliver." Liam says smiling.

"Of course I'll pick you up at what time?"

"7 or 7:30." Liam blushes.

"Alright. See you later cutie pie." Oliver winks walking away. Liam blushes and smiles as he turns around walking right into Axle's chest causing him to fall back. Again Axle caught his wrist pulling him back up to his chest. Liam looks up at Axle. And again Axle's eyes flare up. But not in anger. Liam blushes as he smiles and looks down.

"Uh...c-can I get in the room?" Liam frowns.

"O-oh u-uh y-yeah m-my bad." Axle says moving away from the door going into his living room sitting down on the couch. Liam closes the door.

'Look who's stuttering now.'

Liam sits down next to Axle sinking in his seat. Once his head touches the couch he feels something against his head. Once he feels what's on it he yelps. There was a tiara still on his head from the costume store.

"What's your problem?" Axle asks coldly.


'O-Oliver didn't buy this...and I didn't either." Liam stutters. Axle raises an eyebrow.

"So you....stole it.." Axke smirks.

"N-no." Liam whimpers. Axle laughs.

"You took it." Axle laughs. Liam just blushes and gasps.

"It's fine Liam." Axle smiles again shocking Liam. Liam raises an eyebrow as he looks down.


Oliver goes up the stairs and knocks on the door. Ethan opens up the door.

"Liam! Oliver's here!" Ethan screams smirking as he loves entertainment. He laughs evilly at the look on Axle's face once Oliver walks in.

"Bailey is doing his make up." Troy says finally accepting Oliver.

"Okay. I can wait." Ethan was an angel while Troy was a devil but he had a red silk suit on. And this caused Ethan to go crazy. He loves suits.

Bailey was doing the last finishing touches to Liam's make up. When she was finished she put her hair in two.

"Do I look more like a man?" Bailey says.

"Sure Bailey." Liam giggles. Liam comes out looking very adorable. While every one else looks the complete opposite. Except for Bailey she just looks in the middle of attractive and adorable.

"Let's go." Liam says walking out with Ethan, Bailey and Troy. Axle and Oliver stayed behind. Then they started walking.

"No costume grumpy?"

"No. What's with that costume? You look like birthday suit Mickey Mouse."

"Well I wanted to match with Liam but also look sexy, yes?"

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