Chapter 15

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Today is the big day! It is the day that this stupid cast is finally going to be coming off. It has been so itchy. I get a text from Tobias first thing in the morning, it reads:

Hey Beautiful. I have a surprise for you tonight when your cast finally comes off, and I know you will love it. I will see you later. Love you!

I hate surprises. Normally I end up getting hurt from them. The last time someone planned a surprise for me, it didn't go very well at all. My mind drifts back to the last time a surprise was planned for me. It was the night I found out Robert, my best guy friend and boyfriend at the time, decided that would be the night to take the next step in our relationship. I wasn't ready, and I had already decided long before that night, that I was saving myself for marriage. That night, Robert broke up with me because I wouldn't prove to him how much I loved him. I smile as I think about how proud I was of myself for not giving in to peer pressure and sticking to my gut even with him telling me that if I didn't give myself to him, then he would break up with me.

My mind floats back to reality as my phone dings a text from Chris telling me she is waiting for me in the car. Tobias makes comments about sex, but it is in a joking manner. At least, I hope so. We haven't talked about sex yet. I hope he respects me enough to not try to pressure me into anything like Robert tried to do.

Marcus is up to something, that is what my gut is telling me today. As soon as I enter the lobby, my stomach sinks, and I feel like today is going to be a bad day. My morning at the hospital is going fine until all hell breaks loose during lunch with my clinical group. Marcus throws an impromptu conference during lunch with us. He walks into the rooms, and he makes everyone talk about their week and what they learned. Apparently out answers are unsatisfactory. He throws a temper tantrum by slamming his fists into the table, he tosses papers across the room at us, and finally leaves the room slamming the door. Before leaving the room, he says, "You are all problems, and you are all good for nothing. You can't even perform simple tasks. You suck at following through on anything. Your assessment skills are crap, and you lot are pathetic excuses for human beings."

After he slams the door, we all sit there in silence, not knowing what his problem is. He opens the door, and proceeds to open it, and says, "Get your asses back to your units. So help me if you don't, I will fail you, and I will blackball you so bad that you will never get a nursing job after you manage to graduate in this state! I won't be here for the rest of the day, but I have my way to know if you stay here the whole time. You think you are so smart! I have eyes and ears all over the place in this hospital."

He slams the door again. Uriah looks at me, a smile spreading across his face as he says, "What crawled up his ass today?"

I can't help giggling as I say, "I haven't got a clue. It's Marcus, he is being his usual self. Does he need an excuse?"

When I get back to the unit. Tori and I talk about the conference. Tori shakes her head, saying, "Don't listen to Marcus, he is just blowing steam. You are doing a wonderful job,"

"Thanks, Tori," I say as I smile at her.

"When is that cast suppose to be coming off?" Tori asks, pointing to my cast.

"It was supposed to be today, but now it will have to wait until the day is over."

"Actually, Mr. Smith needs to go to x-ray, and he doesn't want to go alone. I was wondering if you would like to go explain the procedure to him and accompany him down. You have been working with him for a week now, and he is very trusting of you as you have worked with him during past admissions. While he is in x-ray, you could have someone x-ray your arm, make sure it is healed, then you could have the cast removed." Tori says smirking at me.

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