Chapter 28

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The sound of an alarm wakes me from my peaceful slumber. Tobias groans, slapping the alarm to silence. He rolls, wrapping his arms tightly around me, and pulls me close to his chest. I turn to face him, kissing him lightly on the cheek, I mutter against his skin, "Come on, we need to get up, don't want to be late." Not wanting to get up from the warmth of the bed nor from Tobias's comfortable arms. He grumbles, opening one eye to look at me, "Let's play hooky today." I respond to him, "We can't, and we still both need to take showers." Tobias's eyes pop open at my statement, he grins, "We could aways conserve water and shower together." I giggle at his dirty statement, and push him off the bed for the thought, he lands on the floor with a bang, I laugh, "In your dreams, get going before you are late for rounds." Tobias rolls to get up from the floor, he says playfully, "Fine, I will go get ready, but you best be ready to go when I am, or else you are going to get it."

Jumping out of bed as soon as the bathroom door clicks shut, I race to my shower, and then quickly throw on my scrubs for the day. Wandering out to the kitchen, I grab two muffins, one for Tobias and one for me. He appears in the entryway as I am finishing my final bite, looking handsome in his green scrubs. His green scrubs are my second favorite pair of scrubs he owns, they make his blue eyes pop against the color. I hand Tobias his muffin, he smirks, taking a bite, as we walk out the door hand-in-hand together. The drive to the hospital is silent, and I have an uneasy feeling about going back to the hospital. I don't want to have to deal with Eric again or worse Marcus. Entering the hospital lobby, Tobias kisses me briefly murmuring, "Have a good day," then walks off towards an elevator.

Having gotten to the hospital too early, I find Chris, and we sit in the lobby for twenty minutes, talking. We catch up going over everything that has happened since we stopped living together. Chris talks of how she and Will are going great, how they have been busy trying to set a date for their wedding. When I ask, she shrugs her shoulders, replying, "Maybe after graduation." Chris asks about Tobias. I tell her about my date with Tobias, how he took me to see a musical, I leave out the part about the flashback and his doctor's appointment. None of my friends know Tobias has PTSD, and I feel like it isn't my place to tell them. Eventually, Uriah joins Chris and me, all he does is talk about Marlene, and how he knows she is the one. Soon, the discussion changes to going to Civil Disobedience after the semester is over. Before I realize it, it is time to head to the unit, to begin my day, we all part, saying our goodbyes, heading off in separate directions. Tori greets me, asking, "How was your vacation?" I shrug my shoulders, responding, "It was interesting. Thanksgiving was a little tense. Four joined me and my parents for Thanksgiving. My brother decided to pretend to act like a brother, even though he has never acted like a brother to me in his life ever. I don't understand it. Four treats me like a princess." Tori shrugs her shoulders, "Men," is all she replies. I laugh as we find each nurse to get a report on all of our patients for the day shift, then we gather our supplies, and begin to take care of each patient. My eyes glance around the unit to see if Tobias is doing rounds or not, but sadly, I don't see him. Tori notices my wandering eyes, she whispers, "Dr. Eaton was here first thing this morning for rounds. However, he left me a note to give to you." She discreetly hands me an envelope, I open it once she walks away to help another nurse. The note reads:

Hey baby,

I love you and can't wait to see your smiling face again. I won't be able to meet you for lunch as planned. I have back to back surgeries scheduled for today. Also, I won't be home for dinner, I'm on call again, I'm just going to stay at the hospital for the night. Take the car home. Inside the envelope are the house and the car key. I will see you later. I love you with all my heart. Come and find me when you have a lunch break. I should be almost done at that point barring any complications. If I'm not out by then, wait for me, I want to see your smiling face for a moment.

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