Chapter 10

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Next morning, I get dressed in a long sweater, pair it with some leggings, and sneakers. I look outside, groaning. It snowed for the first time this season. As pretty as the snow looks on the trees. I am not ready for the snow yet. Thankfully, the snow won't stay on the ground for long. When Tobias rings the doorbell, with two styrofoam cups in hand. He looks tired. I look behind him for his car. It is nowhere to be seen. As if reading my mind, he says, "I walked. The fresh air helped to clear my mind."

I smile and leave alone what he just said as I smile at him, happily, and say, "Hi!"

"Hey, beautiful! How are you doing this morning?" Tobias asks as he leans over kissing my cheek, handing me a cup. The aroma hits my nose, hot chocolate.

"I'm doing good. Why do you look so tired this morning? Did you not sleep well last night?"

"For the part of the night that I did sleep, I slept well. I am on call, remember? I got a call around four this morning that I was needed in the OR stat." Tobias mumbles into his cup.

"Oh, is the person okay? If you are too tired and would rather stay here and do nothing is fine with me. I understand. I am sure you are exhausted. You probably get some sleep. We can go out some other time."

"No! As soon as this cup of coffee hits my system I will be fine. I have worked on less sleep, and I want to spend time with you today. You asked if this person was okay. They are fine now that I removed the bullet from their abdomen.

"How do you end up with a bullet wound at four in the morning?" I ask as a shiver runs up my spine.

"I heard it was from a drug deal gone bad. Anyways, enough about work. Let's get going. I want to go out on our date." Tobias says, smiling at me as he grabs my hand, pulling me out the door.

Tobias leads us to a bus stop. As we are standing at the bus stop waiting, Tobias turns to me, nervously as he says, "Have you ever been roller skating before?" The bus stops, Tobias and I hop on, we sit together, holding each other's hands.

Once the bus starts driving, I answer his question, "When I was younger, but today I plan on falling on my ass. I made sure to wear extra padding on my butt today. What about you?"

As the bus stops at a stop, he laughs, "That's funny. I was wondering why your butt looked bigger today. I can say sadly. I have never been roller skating. It is safe to say that I will be falling a lot also."

My cheeks heat as I ask, "Were you checking out my ass, Tobias?"

He winks at me as he says, "I'm always checking you out." He must have realized what he said out loud as his face flushes a bright red including the tips of his ears. He adds to his statement, "Especially, when I see you. You always look hot as hell, and oh so sexy."

I grin back at him, deciding to play along with his game, saying, "You aren't so bad looking yourself, Dr. Eaton."

Tobias replies, "Nice to know you are checking me out as well instead of other guys because if that was the case, I might have had to consider beating up the several guys that I have noticed checking you out right here on the bus."

I scoff at his statement ad I say, "Please no one is checking me out on this bus."

Tobias turns to me as he says, "You don't know, how beautiful you are, do you? Do you know the effect you have on me? When I am with you my brain turns into mush."

I feel my cheeks heat once again at his statement. I change the topic back to him, wanting to beat up people for staring at me, and I am slightly embarrassed by his truthfulness of how much I affect him. I reply sarcastically, "Oh no To-Four, I don't want you to beat someone up. Then you will mess up your beautiful hands, then you could never work again."

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