Start from the beginning

She showered, put on her new lotion—cotton—and dressed in the holy jeans and emerald sweater that had made Merrik's jaw tick.

When she came out of the bathroom, her red curls wet down her back, he looked up from the sink where he was washing his hands.

"Thank you for letting me use your shower, Merrik," she said meekly, walking up to him. She watched him appraise her, and she warmed at his gaze.

"You have to be the most polite person I have ever met," he said, drying his hands on a hand-towel. "Good manners are a valued thing, but in this case, you don't have to thank me. Manners are great, but hygiene is better." He winked. "And you smell lovely, might I add."

Carmen didn't know what to say. Fortunately, she was saved from fumbling a reply by the doorbell ringing.

"That must be Stellan," he said flatly, folding the towel neatly and placing it back on the oven handle before going to open the door.

"'Sup asshole," Stellan greeted Merrik and walked past him toward Carmen. "You doing okay today?" he asked her, coming to pat her on the shoulder. "My brother hasn't done anything improper, has he? I texted the smartass this morning letting him know you would be staying with him for a few days. He should be on his best behavior after yesterday." Stellan gave Merrik a serious look over his shoulder.

Carmen stifled a giggle. "He's been amazing, actually," she said quietly. "He took me shopping for new clothes and stuff... and I got to have Chick-Fil-A so that was good," she said, and Everly let out a cheer from behind Stellan.

"That's what I want for dinner, babe," she said, brushing past Stellan and squeezing his butt playfully.

Carmen glanced at Merrik who had his eyebrow raised. "Well, glad to see you guys made up," he commented.

Everly grinned and looped her arm through Carmen's. "Come on, Carmen... let's leave the boys to business. Show me what he got you," she said, taking her into the bedroom as she grabbed the bags off the counter.

Everly looked at Carmen as soon as they stepped into the room. "You're sure he was nice to you?"

Carmen blinked, hardly able to keep up with Everly's energy. She had girlfriends in school, but it had been years since; it was delightfully refreshing.

Nodding, she met Everly's eyes. "More than nice. He's been polite, considerate, and extremely generous." Carmen paused, realizing how she sounded.

Everly's eyebrows were high up on her forehead. "Based off what Stellan said, Merrik sounds like a whole new man," she mused. Shrugging, she shoved the bags toward Carmen, who took them, giggling.

"This outfit... I think this one is his favorite," Carmen said, lifting her emerald-clad arms in observance. There was a mischievous smile on Everly's face, and a scary glint in her eye. "What?"

Everly smirked and crossed her arms over her chest. "You like him, that's what."

Carmen blushed furiously. "I—No, I don't. He's just—he's been really sweet, that's all. And even that's just because he feels like he has to." She bit her lip and met Everly's chocolate eyes for just a moment before she looked away and pulled the next thing out of the bag.

Everly nodded slowly with her perfect eyebrows raised toward her hairline. "Yeah. Okay, sure," she said knowingly, taking a look at the clothes Carmen was showing her.

Carmen stayed quiet a moment and then looked up at Everly. "It kinda seemed like he liked you last night..." she murmured.

Everly shook her head. "That was a drunken mistake that mostly came from me being sad, feeling rejected, and wanting to stick it to Stellan." Carmen cocked her head to the side and Everly held up her hands. "Stellan and I are fine now... it was one of those stupid misunderstandings that started a stupid fight. We're good..." She bit her lip and smiled at the floor. "Better than good, actually..."

Carmen was about to ask for more details when the brothers' voices drifted in from the kitchen.

Everly looked toward the door and held up a finger to her lips, listening.

"Fuck that!" she heard Stellan shout, shivers rolling down her spine. Carmen never liked loud noises, and years of Frank yelling at her conditioned her to expect the worst. But nothing came after it, and the apprehension she felt embarrassed her.

Breathing to calm her nerves, Carmen's eyebrows knitted together. Were they fighting? She pressed her ear to the door, but their voices were muffled as before.

"I can't hear what they're saying!" Everly whispered, curiosity etched across her heart-shaped face. After a minute of struggling to hear more, she grabbed the doorknob. "Screw it."

Everly waltzed into the kitchen, and Carmen followed at her heels. Both the men looked at them upon their entrance.

"What's all the fuss about?" Everly asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"It's not ridiculous. No one does a job like you, Stellan," Merrik reasoned. "You were so clean and efficient all those years ago."

Stellan let out an exasperated sigh. "Usch. I was in the business for two fucking months, Merrik. Don't you remember what happened?" Stellan's frown turned into a scowl. "I could hardly stomach Vinnie and his gang, bro. I'm done with all that."

Carmen didn't know what to make of it. If Stellan didn't join up, would they be leaving? Would she ever see Everly again? She looked to the brunette who fiercely stood with her hands at her hips. She had just started to make a friend, and she didn't want her to go so soon.

Merrik crossed his arms, his jaw set, and Carmen admired his muscles bulging through his shirt.

"I will raise your percent cut of the jobs you complete," Merrik offered.

Stellan groaned. "It's not about the money! Get that through your thick blonde skull!"

His words had no effect on Merrik, as his face stayed stoic. "Okej, then I will allow you to decline any job, within reason."

That got Stellan's attention.

Everly stepped toward Stellan and lay her hand on his forearm, whispering something in his ear. Stellan turned his head to the side and looked at her. When she nodded encouragingly, Stellan sighed again. He looked at Merrik. "What percentage would I get?"

Merrik's face relaxed almost imperceptibly. "Fifty percent of every job you complete."

Carmen and Everly gasped in unison while Stellan's face paled.

"Fifty percent? Verkligen?" he croaked, and Merrik nodded.

"Yes. Do we have a deal?" he asked, eyeing his brother.

Stellan looked at Everly again, and she murmured, "I'm with you no matter what you decide, baby."

Carmen couldn't help but smile at them; their bond was deep, even she could see that.

After a few moments, Stellan finally nodded and stepped forward, holding his hand out for Merrik to shake. "As long as I can turn down any job I want, I'm in."

Merrik uncrossed his arms to grasp Stellan's hand, a triumphant grin on his face. "You might want to look into getting a more permanent place, lilliebror. We will be seeing a lot more of each other from here on out." Carmen was happy for them, but she couldn't stop staring at Merrik's smile. It warmed her from head to toe, and it wasn't even directed at her. As if he could feel her watching him, his eyes slid from Stellan to Carmen. She smiled shyly, and his eyes softened. It was then that she realized they were the most lovely shade of green. She broke their gaze when she felt Everly grab her hand. "We have to go shopping together soon, okay?" Everly asked giddily. Carmen couldn't help but smile at the thought that people enjoyed her company. She couldn't remember the last time she felt that way. Between Stellan saving her, Everly's friendship, and Merrik's generosity, she was starting to see how she could finally make a life for herself. For the first time in a long time, she felt hope.

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