Fifty-four; The Boys

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There's just one thing I need

I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas is

(I've been obsessed with this song since October and I'm more than ready for Christmas)

When Tom had first introduce Bianca to his friends, her first impression was that they were really sweet guys, despite the rumors of they being players, they were pretty chill guys. They were obviously attractive, each of them had something that made them stand out. Daniel had his grey-blue eyes that attracted all the ladies with one look, Alex had a smile that made every girl weak in the knees, a smile of his would make you fall to his feet. And then there was Harrison, the blonde haired and blue eyed boy, the one the kind soul and nice personality, the type of boy you would bring home to meet your parents. Harrison may have had these traits but he was still the boy with the fear of coming out, with the fear of being rejected.

The say that you can't judge a book by its cover and that looks can be deceiving couldn't describe them any better. From constantly flirting with girls to breaking their hearts, betting on a girls virginity had been there lowest point. It was simply a game, another trophy to make them be more 'manly', which really is stupid as men should learn to respect women, not treat them like toys.

After finding out that they were the ones that came up with the idea of the bet, Bianca's views on them changed completely, she had wished that Harrison wouldn't have been part of it, as she had found a liking in him the moment Jake told her how he felt about him. But like how most group of friends work, if one of them did it, then they all did it.

As they stood before her, Bianca could simply stare at them with disappointment in her eyes, she had expected them to be better people. For them to be standing here after making a bet on her and were part of helping Madison spread the pictures of her at school made her wonder if these boys had any humanity left in them, "hey Tom, what are you doing here?".

Tom stood there as he scratched the back of his neck, "Uhh well i actually came to see if you'd like to sit with me at the assembly we have today but then.." Tom glanced at the boys who were standing behind him, "They wanted to come see you, they have something to say".

Tom moved out of the way so Alex, Daniel, and Harrison could stand in front of her, Bianca stood there as she waited for one of them to start talking, she glanced to Jake and Madison who were standing next to her, they both shrugged as they had no clue as to what was going on. Bianca turned around when she heard Haz clear his throat, she noticed how they all avoided her gaze, "Uhh, hey Bianca. I'm glad to see you're out of the hospital and are better now..." Haz bit his lip as he tried to say something, he finally sighed loudly and took a step forward and wrapped his arms around her surprising her, pulling away he placed his hands on her shoulders, "Im sorry Bianca, for what I did to you, bringing you into this childish game of ours was stupid. I can't really take back what we did because it happened and it's too late now but after getting to know you and knowing how sweet and kind you really were it made me feel horrible because you didn't deserve this. Im sorry, and it's okay if you dont forgive me, I just want you to know i'm sorry".

Bianca stood there quiet before she gave him a nod and a small smile, forgiving him in silence, Haz gave her a kind smile before he stood back as Alex and Daniel looked up to meet her gaze. Bianca simply stared at them as Alex took a deep breath and took out a folded paper from his backpack and handed it to her, "Look Im not really great with apologizes or whatever but I wrote you this and maybe you'll be able to forgive me once you read this or not..." Alex looked like he was about to explode, "Bianca...we...god this is harder than I thought...It's not how we thought it would end okay? We never thought of any consequences, for us it was simply a game but we never thought Tom would catch feelings for you and that he would actually be happy with you. There really isn't an excuse for what we did but i explained everything in the letter, just read it when you're alone please?".

She gave him a nod as she put the folded paper inside her backpack then turned to Daniel who stood there nervously as he kept wiping his hands on his pants, he stared at her for a moment before he wrapped his arms around her and began...crying? Bianca stared at Tom and Daniel with wide eyes before she slowly wrapped her arms around his and patted his back, "It's okay, just breath okay?"

"I'm so sorry, Bianca. I'm so so sorry" He kept whispering against her ear as he continued to sob softly, Bianca stared at Tom with a 'help, I don't know what to do' look. Tom walked over and unwrapped Daniels arms from her and pulled him to the side, "It's okay man, just go wash your face and drink some water okay?". Daniel nodded slowly as he wiped his tears, Haz and Alex began to walk with him to the restroom.

Bianca, Jake and Madison stood there with a 'what the hell just happened' look and stared at Tom for answers, Tom noticed the 'what the hell' look on their faces and sighed, "Daniel's grandma found out about what happened, just know that she had a very long talk about respecting women and he's just been very emotional after his grandma telling him about how much women have suffered".

"Hmm, cool Grandma, I want to meet her now", Jake commented making us all chuckle.

I let out a deep breath as I ran a hand through my hair, "Well that was quite eventful for a first day of being back" turning to Tom, "what were you saying about an assembly?".

Right on the moment that those words left Bianca's mouth, the announcement bell rang causing them to stay quiet as they waited, "Goodmorning Juniors , please report to the gym, I repeat please report to the gym. Thank you".

Bianca turned around to Tom, "Well then let's go?". Tom gave her a nod as they both began walking to the gym with Jake and Madison behind them. Entering the gym, Bianca, Tom, Jake and Madison found some seats on the bleachers as they waited for whatever was about to happen.

The loud commotion of students talking quiet downed as the principal walked in with two ASB students behind him, walking up tp the microphone, he grabbed it as he gave a very happy smile, "Goodmoringgggggg students!!!". Everyone cheered as the principal began to announce about upcoming dates that were important, which really no one was paying attention to, "And now let me hand the attention to your ASB president and vice-president that have some special announcements".

"Goodmorninggggg! My name is Valerie and I am your ASB president. This year we have had the opportunity to convince the principal of having our very own..." Valerie and the boy next to her began to do a drum roll making everyone join in, "Junior Prom!".

The boy, whose name is Jack, spoke, "That's right guys, finally we don't have to wait until our senior year to attend. So start finding a date or come solo to join us at Junior Prom".


Helloooo!! 🥰

Yayyy another chapter...another step closer to the end!!

Next chapter on Thursday or Friday 👀

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