Thirty-two; Trying

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And I won't

leave you

Always be true

One plus one,

two for life

Over and

over again

Waking up this morning, the same warm feeling that I felt last night as I watched Tom was still there. I rubbed a hand on my face as I sat up, it was real, I'm really falling inlove with him.

Getting up I took a quick shower before making my way downstairs to find my father in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Goodmorning my amazingly awesome father" I wrapped my arms around his waist as he continued to cook.

"Morning sunshine".

Serving myself a cup of orange juice, I took a seat at the table, "So Pops what will be today's schedule?".

Turning around my father served a plate of egg, bacon and toast in front of me, serving himself the same thing but with a cup of coffee he took a seat beside me, "Well you better clear any events you planned because tonight we'll be having dinner, there's a special announcement I'll like to make".

"Oh please tell me you finally plan on getting me a puppy!"

My father glanced up to give me a deadpan face, sighing loudly as I continued to eat, "A girl can dream".

"Stop acting like a kid, you can barely clean after yourself, how are you going to clean after a dog?"

Rolling my eyes I finished my juice with a long sip, "Well that is half not true, and come on Pops I think I'm mature enough to take care of a puppy".

"We'll see", clapping my hands together like a little kid who just got a star on their forehead in kindergarten. My father just rolled his eyes as we continued to eat breakfast.

After breakfast I helped my father wash the dishes and clean the kitchen, "What time is this dinner?".

"Eight o'clock sharp, we will be having company over so look more pretty than you already are", walking up to him I gave him a kiss on the cheek before I made my way upstairs to my room.


As I laid on my bed reading a book, I glanced over to my clock on my nightstand to see it was half pass seven, shit, I mumbled under my breath as I quickly stood up and walked over to my closet. Looking through my closet, I took out a black skater skirt with a long white sleeve shirt.

After changing into my outfit, I put on my red vans and walked into the bathroom and began to my brush my hair.

Midway into my braiding my hair my phone began to ring, rushing out of the bathroom I walked over to my bed, taking my phone in one hand I answered the phone before putting it on speaker and making my way back to the restroom.


"Hello Bianca"

"Hey Steven!" I said happily as I finished my french braid and began to do my makeup.

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