Fourty-seven; Reasons

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Just give me a reason,

just a little bit's enough

Just a second we're not broken just bent,

and we can learn to love again

It's in the stars,

it's been written in the scars on our hearts

We're not broken just bent,

and we can learn to love again

Bianca had been laying in the hospital bed for two days straight and she was already done with it, she was more than ready to go home. Tony had been discharged a day ago, he kept insisting that he'll go home until Bianca is released but with one glare from his daughter and he agreed to go home and shower.

"If you don't leave this room and go home, I will personally get up from this bed and drag you out of here" Tony raised his hands in surrender as he sighed loudly, "And take a shower, you stink old man"

Tony stuck his tongue out at his daughter like a little kid before he stood up and with the help of Marie he exited the hospital room. Marie went home with Tony, knowing well that he wouldn't leave his daughter and that he needed the shower and change into comfortable clothing.

After Marie had left with Tony, Jake walked over and sat down on the chair next to Bianca's bed, "How are you feeling?"

"Do you remember that one time when we had a sleepover and I accidentally hit my side on the kitchen counter and I kept cussing because how bad it hurt? Just like that but worse" Jake laughed softly as he stared at her, Bianca smiled at Jake as she reached for his hand, "I'm glad you're here Jake, I missed my bestfriend".

Jake smiled widen as he squeezed her hand, "Im glad to have you alive and well bestfriend " he leaned down and whispered softly, "I'm going to leave now so you can talk with your man now"

"Jake! He isn't my man anymore"

"Okay babe, whatever you say" Jake winked at her before he stood up and walked towards the door, leaving Tom and Bianca alone, knowing that they needed time alone in order to talk about certain things.

There was an awkward silence as soon as Jake left the room, Tom was leaning against the wall as Bianca stared at him. Tom was nervously playing with his shirt as he felt Bianca's glare on him, "I am suffocating with the tension in the air, Tom. Just say what's on your mind already".

Tom wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans before he began to pace around the room, not knowing exactly where to start, he said the first thing that popped in his mind, "I'm sorry". Tom took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, "Bianca, I am so sorry. I don't even think saying sorry will take back on what I did, hurting you the way I did was never what I wanted".

"Then why did you do it?"

"Because I was stupid" Tom ran a hand through his hair as he glanced up to look at her, "I was stupid enough to accept a silly game between my friends and I. I'll admit that at first all on my mind was to complete the bet, to win and prove to my friends that I could do it, but then I got to know you"

"I got to know the girl I grew up with, the girl who was once my bestfriend and the girl that I left behind. You were so kind and sweet to me, you help me raise my grades and helped me make the football team. You didn't care for the Tom Holland people knew at school, you cared about the Tom that can talk nonstop about conspiracy theories and enjoys walks in the park at night. The Tom that enjoys to be laying down with you and watching Disney movies" Tom let out a small chuckle causing Bianca to smile softly at him, "little by little, you stole my heart Bianca, I fell completely inlove with you, being with you the bet never crossed my mind. How could it? I was so happy with you, the smallest moments with you were the best, from holding your hand, to running my fingers through your hair, to you simply laying on my chest. I forgot about the bet, but when it came back to my mind, I was so angry with myself"

"I was ready to stop it, I went up to my friends and told them I was out but they didn't want to, so I was supposed to record us or they would have told you everything, I was so scared of losing you but I was to much of an idiot for listening to them".

Bianca connected all the dots in her head as she listened to Tom, "That's where the video and pictures come from, right?".

Tom gave her a nod, Bianca stayed quiet as she processed this, "How did my father end up receiving them?".

"Madison, she managed to get the video from Alex. She was behind the pictures at school too" Bianca nodded, giving Tom a shrug, "Punching her makes me feel better now". Tom let out a small chuckle as he went to sit down on the chair next to her bed, "After I found out you were here, not knowing when you'll wake up was the worse nightmare, I was so scared you wouldn't wake up without knowing how sorry I am".

He grabbed her hand in his, "I love you Bianca Cruz, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone" Bianca removed her hand from his and brought it up to his face, cupping his cheek she gave him a smile as she rubbed his jaw with her thumb, "I love you Thomas Stanley Holland, god knows how much I love you. But right now it isn't just about healing my body, it's about healing my heart too, this isn't something I could just easily forgive, I need time, and if you're willing to give that to me then stay, stay and be the support that I need right now" Bianca looked into Toms eyes as he brought his hand and placed it on top of hers, "But if you don't, then leave now Tom, I don't need to be hurt more than I already am".

Tom stared at Bianca before he stood up from his chair and leaned down to her, placing a delicate kiss at the corner of her lips, he whispered softly against her ear, "I'll stay forever if I need too, I love you princess, don't forget that".

Double the update because you guys deserve it!

Hopefully tomorrow I will post another two chapters!

Stay posted!

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