Thirty-four; Out

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Though I've tried

before to tell her

Of the feelings I have

for her in my heart

Every time that

I come near her

I just lose my nerve

As I've done from the start

Every little thing

she does is magic

Third POV:
Waking up to the loud noise of someone coughing, Bianca got off her bed and quickly got dressed. After brushing her hair and teeth she grabbed her backpack before making her way downstairs. Walking into the kitchen she found her father sitting down on the table as he continued to cough, "You said it was just a small cough".

Tony looked up to see his daughter standing at the entrance of the kitchen with her arms crossed over her chest, he gave her a weak smile before he went into a fit of coughs again. Bianca sighed loudly as she placed her backpack on a chair before she began to prepare a tea for her father, "You're taking the day off, we will be going to the doctors today to check that ugly cough".

"Sunshine I'm okay"

Bianca glared at her father before she passed him the mug, "Drink up, it will help your lungs open and it will be better to breath".


"No arguing, doctors today and that is final" Tony didn't say anything back, him knows better than anyone not to try and win an argument with Bianca, after all she did take his stubbornness from him.

"Fine doctors today, but if there are needles involved I am out of there, got it?", Bianca rolled her eyes before she walked over to her father, placing a kiss on his head she grabbed the backpack that was on the chair and swing it over her shoulder, "I forget how much of a baby you are, anyways today after school I'm expecting you to pick me so we can go to the doctors together. Now I don't want you to do any work, today is about you and your health. So rest, got it?".

Tony gave her a nod as he took a sip from the tea his daughter made him, Bianca smiled at her father before a honk caught her attention, "Well that must be Tom, got to go, remember after school, doctors".

Tony dismissed her with a wave of his hand, "Yeah, yeah doctors I got it. And tell that boy he doesn't have to honk, he lives next door, the least he can do is knock on the door".

Bianca rolled her eyes as she made her way towards the door, opening it she found Tom leaning against his car, he seemed as if he was deep in thought, "Morning Tom".

He shook his head to clear his thoughts as Bianca stood in front of him, grabbing her by the waist he pulled her towards him, giving her a passionate kiss. Bianca didn't hesitate to kiss him back, a smile spread on her lips as she pulled away, "What's gotten into you this morning?".

He gave her a smirk as he pecked her lips once more, "I just missed you".

Bianca chuckled as she pulled away from his body, "Well no need to be missing me now, but we should head to school we don't want to miss first period".

Tom gave her a small laugh as he opened the car door for her, Bianca happily got in, buckling her seatbelt as Tom entered the car. Starting up the engine he glanced at her before smiling to himself and driving them to school.

As Tom parked his car in the school parking lot, he turned off the car before quickly getting out of the car and making his way to the passenger side. Opening the car door Bianca got out the car, Tom smiled down to her as he closed the car door and grabbed her hand in his. Hand in hand they both made their way into the school and towards their lockers, "How's your dad?".

Bianca glanced to Tom before she opened her locker, "Im taking him to the doctors today, he won't go if I don't take him, he's like a baby".

Tom chuckled to himself as his gaze landed on his group of friends who were walking down the hallway, it's either now or never. Glancing down he watched as Bianca now held her book and notebook in her hand, closing her locker she turned around to face him, "Hey princess I'm gonna go talk to the guys real quick, wait like five minutes?".

Bianca leaned up and pecked his lips, "Go ahead take your time, I have to go turn in some papers, I'll see you during lunch". He gave her a small kiss before he walked over to his friends who were leaning against their lockers. As he stood in front of them, he took a deep breath before his gaze landed on the them, "I'm out".


"I said I'm out, the bet it's over" Daniel and Alex glanced at each other then to Tom before they bursted out laughing, Tom watched as they both laughed loudly as if he said a joke. Daniel quiet down as he saw Tom's serious face, "Oh god you're serious".

Alex shut up to look at Tom, "What? No, you can back out".

"I think I just did, I'm serious guys the bet it's over, I'm done with this silly game".

Daniel glared at Tom before crossing his arms over his chest, "Nope, not possible". Tom looked at Daniel with confusion, "Why not?".

Daniel simply laughed as he placed a hand on Toms shoulder, "Because Tom this isn't what you want, now is it? Come on man you're almost close to winning this bet, it's not like you even like her".

Tom stayed quiet as he shrugged Daniels hand of his shoulder, Alex gasped loudly before he chuckled, "No way! You actually like her? Come on Tom I know you can do better than that little nerd".

"Watch how you talk about her" Tom growled at him, Alex and Daniel shared a look before Alex glanced back to Tom, "You can't back out, we're in to far".

"No, we can still stop this, come on guys this is going to far, she doesn't deserve to get hurt" Jacob said as he took a step next to Tom, Daniel scoffed as he rolled his eyes, "Jacob stay out of this with your sensitive heart".

Daniel looked at Tom as he shook his head, "You back out, she'll find out about everything".

"Is that a threat?"

Alex gave Tom a smirk as she leaned against the locker, "A warning, you back out of this Tom and your little girl will find out about everything, from you betting on her virginity to using her". Tom clenched his jaw as he glared at his friends, "Why are you guys so into this, why can't you just drop it?".

"Come on Tom, we've been friends since we were like five, this is a memory for the books, come on remember, bros before hoes?".

Tom simply stayed quiet as he glared at them, Daniel sighed before he ran a hand through his hair, "Fine you aren't taking us serious, then you'll have to film it".


"Oh yeah you heard me, film the moment the nerd loses her virginity" If looks could kill Daniel would have been six feet underground from the look Tom was giving him right now, "You are a crazy son of a bitch if you think I'll do that".

"Sure you will, unless you want her to find out that she was merely a game for you and we'll see if you still have her by the end of this, come on Tom just film it, we'll need prove either way. Either film or lose your girl".

Tom clenched his fist as he glared at them, giving them a nod he turned around and began to make his way to class.

What did he get himself into?


Hello beautiful readers!

So I have taken the decision that from now on I will be doing each chapter in THIRD POV. I feel this is a easier way for me to write.
Be expecting more updates this week, I've already written like three chapters ahead of time!

Thank you to all of you who have been reading!

Vote and comment! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

(btw get ready to shed your tears, I will apologize now if I destroy your hearts)

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