Eighteen; Confessions

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Our hearts are like


And when they strike

We feel the love

Sparks will fly

They ignite our bones

And when they strike

We light up the world

Our hearts are like••Firestones••And when they strike••We feel the love••Sparks will fly••They ignite our bones••And when they strike••We light up the world••

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Its been almost three weeks now since her funeral, things haven't been the same. I've stayed home most of the time, except when I had to go to school. Steven has visited me a couple of times, saying he wanted to get to know more the daughter of the women he loves. It weird to say that I feel no type of hate Howards Steven, yeah he made have 'taken' my mother away when I was younger, but if my mother was truly happy, than I guess that's what mattered to me.

Pop's has been better than me, I guess he's trying to be as strong for the both of us, he spends more time at home now, he's been worried about my state lately. I just lay in bed all day, staring at the wall until I fall asleep. He sometimes walks into my room in the middle of night, thinking I've fallen asleep, I hear him sing softly to me as he silently cries, I'm aware that my father is hurting, the pain can be seen through his beautiful brown eyes. He has gone with me to visit her grave and change her flowers, he stands behind me as he stares sadly down at her grave, my father may have divorced my mother, but that means he never stopped loving her.

As I sit on the chair that's inside my room by my writing desk, playing with hem of my shirt, I was to lost in my thoughts to hear the footsteps going up the stairs. A knock on my door took me out of my thoughts, I glanced up to find Tom leaning against my door, he gave me a small smile as he made his way inside my room.

"Hey B, how are you?" I shrugged as I watched him sit on the edge of my bed, "I could be better" I commented as I kept playing with my fingers. Tom gave me a closed smile as he looked down to his hands, we stayed in a comfortable silence.

"You know that I care for you, right?" I glanced up at Tom, finding him fiddling with the edge of my covers, he looked up at me, "it saddens me to see you this way, you isolating yourself away from others, I miss your smile, your laugh", he glances down again, my heart aches as I saw the sadness in his eyes.

"You know that I care for you, right?" I glanced up at Tom, finding him fiddling with the edge of my covers, he looked up at me, "it saddens me to see you this way, you isolating yourself away from others, I miss your smile, your laugh", he glance...

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"I'm sorry..." I whispered softly as I felt tears form on the corner of my eyes once again, "I just...it's so hard Tom, I try to brighten my mood, but I just don't know how. I feel like I'm stuck on this loop of sadness, whether I attempt to do something to distract myself, my mind will always go back to the memory of my mother, it gets harder each night to sleep when the only thing I can see, its her. This is so much for me, I have no idea how to move on".

I heard him take a deep breath before standing up and making his way towards me, he stretched his hand in front of me, I looked up in confusion,

"Come on, I'm getting you out of here".


Tom took me out to get ice cream to Mr. Delmar's Ice-Cream Parlor, said it would distract my mind. He made me smile a little when he said that he read somewhere that girls get happy when they eat ice cream, he began to ramble about how girls get happy easily with food. After stopping to get ice cream, he decided to take me to the park we used to go as kids.

He said that maybe being at a place where I had good memories would make me feel better. He began to retell stories of our childhood, starting off with how he kept saying that spiderman will be his career and that I would be his Mary Jane.

As of now, we're making our way back home, he began to tell me stories about the night sky, this truly brought a smile to my face, seeing how his eyes shined with enthusiasm as he explained to me the way stars are connected to us.

We were almost around the block , I looked over at Tom, a smile spread across my face as I was thankful for having someone like him during these difficult times,

"thank you Tom, for being here, I know I can be difficult sometimes" Tom glanced over at me, giving me a smile as he grabbed my hand. We kept on walking down the sidewalk, hand in hand, enjoying the peacefulness, Tom suddenly stopped walking,

"Bianca?" I stood in front of him, watching as he nervously put his hands in the pockets of his jeans, "yeah Tom?"

"Can I confess something?" I gave him a small nod, confused by how nervous he was,

"I don't want to make things weird between us or anything, but lately there's something that has been stuck in my mind..."

"Tom just say it, I won't judge you"

"I..uhhm..god this is so hard", Tom groaned as he ran a hand through his hair, I grabbed both of his arms, making him look at me, "just breath and say whatever you want to say"

Tom took a deep breath as he took a step closer to me, our chest touching, "I have no idea what this feeling is, but I think I like you. I really like you Bianca". I stared at him, speechless, my mind couldn't believe what he just said, he likes me? Tom stared at me with desperation in his eyes, I couldn't say anything so all I did was grab his face and smash my lips against his.

 I stared at him, speechless, my mind couldn't believe what he just said, he likes me? Tom stared at me with desperation in his eyes, I couldn't say anything so all I did was grab his face and smash my lips against his

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His lips moved against mine, he wrapped his arms around my waist, we moved our lips in sync, showing each other our feelings through our actions. Due to the lack of oxygen, I pulled away, leaning my forehead against his, " I think I really like you too Tom", a grin spread over his face, as he leaned down, kissing me once again.

A/N: hey guys!

Okay so I've been thinking on doing a Tom Holland/Peter Parker imagines book, if I did one, would you guys read it?

I will be grateful to receive request for the imagines book, if you guys agree on doing one !

This chapter is short, but its a filler in order for me to continue the story !

Until next update, goodnight/goodmorning !
- Janeth(:

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