X. F I R E B R A N D

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to dance?" he asked her, dipping close to her ear. He could feel the warmth from her skin.

The glee in her eyes when she turned to him set his heart beating anew. She downed the rest of her drink and placed her hand in his outstretched one, her buzz evident when she stumbled off the barstool. He tugged her gently into the throng of bumpers and grinders, pulling her close to him by her slender waist, not just to keep her steady, but because he wanted her up against him.

He wanted her to feel what he felt when she was near. He wanted to take back everything he had done to upset her. Maybe this dance was what they needed.

He felt like it might be working because she willingly pressed her body to his and snaked her arms around his neck, swaying to the beat of the quick hip-hop song that was bumping through the speakers. Just then, though, the beat changed to a slow, sexy R&B tune, and they automatically slowed their movements, her hips pressing into his.

He felt his heart speed up as the tiny bit of distance that had been between them closed, and his body began to respond to her nearness. "Ev," he began, and she looked up at him, her chocolate eyes seeming darker than usual. His eyes roamed over her crimson lips, full and parted.

He ran his hands up and down her sides, the tight scarlet fabric hiding none of her curves. She just seemed so fragile in that moment, her eyes turned up to his with hesitant trust. He had fucked it up so badly earlier, and he wanted to make it right.

First, he wanted to apologize, to clear the air between them, and this time he didn't want her to misinterpret.

"Look, back in the hotel... I'm sorry about before—"

"Don't be, Stellan. I wouldn't want me, either," she slurred. "Not after all that I've done." She rested her cheek on his chest, and he was sure she could hear his heart beating a hundred miles an hour.

What? He didn't understand. What had she done? And what made her think it would affect his feelings toward her?

"You haven't done anything, why would you think that?" Stellan rested his chin on her head, hugging her to him.

She tightened her arms around him and he felt her take a shuddering breath. "I–I can't–" she started, but as he stared across the room, deep in thought about what she could be talking about, he felt a pair of eyes on him. And when he met those eyes, his body immediately erupted into trembles.

"Oh, shit," he murmured.

Everly lifted her face from his chest and looked up at him. "What is it? What's wrong?" she asked, her eyes unfocused.

"I–I can't believe this," he started, holding her tighter to his chest. It was impossible...

"What?" she demanded, her voice taking on a high-pitched, alarmed tone.

But the man was already approaching them, a sinister smile across his tanned face.

"Well, well. If it isn't Stellan Hailström?" the man said smoothly, walking up to them with long strides.

Stellan moved Everly behind him, out of the man's sight.

"Merrik," he acknowledged, his voice low and tight.

Everly held tight to Stellan's arm. "Who is that? How does he know you?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Stellan did not answer right away. He was in shock. Neither had contacted the other in years, and this was the last place Stellan would have expected to run into him. His whole body shook. Everly squeezed his arm.

"What, you're not going to introduce me? That's just rude," Merrik said, raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow.

Stellan took a breath. "Everly, this is Merrik. My brother."

Everly gasped as she looked up at Stellan, whose face had reddened.

"Outside," Merrik stated. He approached the exit at a brisk clip.

Stellan glared at Merrik's retreating form but knew he didn't need to piss him off; he was holding all the cards at the moment and the element of total surprise. He looked down at Everly reassuringly and led her outside.

"What brings you to Chicago, little brother?" Merrik asked smoothly, leading them into the alleyway next to the club. He leaned against the brick wall of the building, crossing his long legs in front of him. "It's been a long time."

Stellan pursed his lips, not budging.

"Tsk. I got a phone call yesterday," Merrik said, reaching into his coat pocket for a cigarette. He lit it, puffing at it for a moment. "Want to guess why?"

Stellan didn't answer; he honestly didn't know what to say without revealing too much. Information was dangerous with Merrik; he was a man who dealt it like the most sought-after thing on the planet.

Merrik took a long drag on the cigarette and stared at him. "You left the gang. Why?"

Stellan started, frowning at the cloud of smoke drifting toward him. "Vinnie called you? You didn't tell him I was here, did you?"

"Of course not, brother. How was I supposed to know you were going to stumble into my backyard? He just wanted me to be on the lookout for you," Merrik responded. "And maybe Vinnie should know... But more interestingly, I want to know why you took off with their target." He nodded to Everly. "Vinnie is not happy."

Stellan glanced at Everly and back at Merrik. "I had already planned to leave. I'm tired of living that way; I've been tired of it for a long time," Stellan said, rubbing the back of his neck. "When they brought Everly in and said Vinnie wanted her 'clean,' I know what that means. I couldn't let them hurt her... it wasn't right," Stellan answered.

Merrik scoffed. "Since when do you care about what's right?" Merrik took a final drag before tossing the cigarette to the ground. He stepped on it, twisting his ankle to smother the flame.

The look on Stellan's face hardened. "I've always cared. But now I'm doing something about it."

Merrik thought for a moment before bending to retrieve his cigarette butt, tossing it in the dumpster across from them.

"If we're done here," Stellan started, pivoting toward the alley's exit.

Merrik stood up straight and grabbed Stellan's wrist. "We aren't. I have a job for you, brother."

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