Chapter 2

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I got up and got ready for school. I put on a dark blue tank top with a black leather jacket over it, black jeans and black ankle boots. I braided my hair in 2 french braids and kissed my bear goodbye before putting it into my closet. I haven't decided rather I wanted it to be a boy or girl, or what I wanted to name it. Childish I know, but that was to be decided later on. I ran downstairs to the smell of breakfast but wasn't surprised when my family was eating without me.

"oh, your breakfast is on the counter" my mom said pointing to the half eaten banana sitting on a paper plate. I looked around as everyone was eating on fancy chinas. My parents had removed the fourth chair from the table and to the basement a long time ago, and only pulled it out when there was company, which wasn't too often. I walked out the door with my book bag as Michelle gave our parents goodbye kisses and I threw the banana in the trash.

"you should really appreciate that mom and dad feed you at all. You're lucky you're not my child because you'd be eatin rocks and drinking oil" she said getting into the passenger seat. I ignored her as always and started the car heading to school. I always steal a dollar or 2 from my parents room to get a gronola bar from the schools vending machine since my parents didn't bother to give me food. I parked in our normal parking spot, and as usual, Michelle ran off to her cheerleader friends. I walked past them and headed to first period.

A guy named Andrew sat next to me in every class except for English because we had assigned seats there. Andrew is my associate. NOT my friend. I have no friends. Just because I talk to him everyday doesn't make him my friend. He's tried to get me to fit in and make friends with people, but I never oblige. He's made me a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, but I never get on them unless I'm posting pictures of my artwork.

Other than that, its very pointless to me. I have one picture of myself but that's just my profile picture. "whats up moody?" Andrew gave me that nickname when we first met because everyday I would come in with a different mood. Even though I totally love the nickname I was never gonna admit that to him. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that" I said grabbing my drawing book from my book bag which was covered in drawings from highlighters since my bag was grey.

What? you didn't think I really did work did you?.....Okay maybe I do SOMETIMES."you did" he smirked. "So what are you gonna draw today?" he asked referring to the drawings in my book and on my desk that I constantly had to wipe off everday after class. "none of your business" I said beginning to draw. Andrew absolutely adored my drawings and supported my dreams of becoming a tattoo artist.

He had black hair and wore dark clothes occasionally. That's why I liked him. But I would also never admit that to him. I don't want him to think I'm some goody-two-shoes who 'let's people in'. I cringed at my thoughts. One thing I disliked about him was that he often tried to fit in with the hooligans in this school. First period soon ended and I had to wipe off the drawing of music notes I drew on my desk. I walked past my sister and her friends huddled over her phone and they were in tears.

I knew that if I walked past her and didnt ask her what was wrong she'd tell our parents that I don't care about her and take away my spray paint. Something I actually valued in that house. Painting and drawing kept me occupied when I got grounded for stupid things. I walked over to the crowd of sobbing girls and to my sister. "what's wrong this time?" I asked with my arms folded. A couple years ago when she was obsessed with Justin Bieber, she cried when she found out he was dating Selena Gomez, then took all of his posters from her walls when she heard a rumor he got her pregnant.

She sniffed a few times before finally speaking. "Austin Mahone just lost his favorite teddy bear!" she cried, and the other girls cried after her. I hesitantly patted her back then stopped after realizing what she said. "wait what?" I asked snatching her phone from her hands. The photo of the bear was the same exact bear I found behind the arena. Why does an 18 year old boy need to go on a worldwide hunt for a teddy bear? I started to read what it said, but all I could see was 'help find Angel' before Michelle snatched the phone back. "why do you care you don't even like him" she angrily said.

I hesitated before finally speaking. "I just, don't wanna get my spray taken away" I made up before walking quickly away. I wasn't nervous at all about the bear, I just didn't want to give it back. I might've only had it for about 10 hours, but that didn't stop me from growing a special liking into it. I walked into second period and for some reason, all I could draw was bears. Bears with bows, guns, lollipops, rips with stuffing coming out of it. I don't understand why I was feeling like this.

"so you like bears" Andrew said peeking into my book. "stay out of my book" I said to him for probably the thousandth time. It was a natural quote for him. At the end of the day I drove home and began my artwork. I put on my used overall shorts and mask. I moved to an empty spot on my wall and started to paint whatever came to my mind. When I finished I pulled my mask off and realized what I had drew. It was the bear. My bear. Well Austin's bear whatever. I soon heard Michelle scream from her room and ran over there quickly opening her door.

"what happened?" I asked. "okay first of all, don't you ever come into my room without knocking, and second Austin Mahone is giving a $3,000 reward to whoever finds Angel" she said. Remind me to knock first when Michelle's being attacked by a lion. "who's Angel?" I asked sitting down on her fold up chair since she didn't like me on her bed. "his teddy bear dummy!" she screamed. I nearly choked on my spit then mentally slapped myself at the fact that I forgot what I read on Michelle's phone because that bear was literally all I could think about.

"why are acting like that?" Michelle asked interrupting me from my thoughts. "oh uh its nothing" I responded. "well I'm gonna need you to drive me to Austin so I can "return his bear"" she said picking up a bear that looked nothing Austin's. "you've got his bear?" I asked clearly knowing she didn't. "nope, but, I'll get to meet him". She put on her jacket and threw me the car keys. "no time to change get out of my room and let's go we don't have time chop chop" she yelled clapping her hands as she walked own the stairs.

I looked a mess right now but I could care less. There was no one I needed to impress anyway. My hair was up in a messy bun and I still had my overall shorts on which was covered in paint. I put on my blue converses before getting into the car and driving off. Michelle gave me directions and we soon arrived at a big building full of teenage girls holding bears. Were they really that pathetic to think Austin would believe they were here to give him his bear? And one of them was my sister.

I don't know how Michelle managed to do it, but guards were walking us past some other girls, and into a room. That's one thing I actually liked about Michelle. She could get her way in 5 seconds. When we walked in, there he was, standing just a few feet away from us, Austin Mahone himself. Woo-hoo, I thought sarcastically as Michelle squeled in excitement. They started to converse and Austin soon said "I'm sorry but this isn't my bear, and this is gonna take forever". I just stood in the corner with my arms crossed trying not to look suspicious because the guilt was literally eating me alive.

Austin's eyes soon met mine. "you don't have it either do you?" he asked politely. Unable to speak I just shook my head no and swallowed hard as everyone stared me down. I could care less about his money, I just couldn't wait to get out of here. This place was killing me.

;) muahh

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