Ultimate Spidey Boys Preference

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Scarlet Spider-

Scarlet doesn't really care for Halloween. To be completely honest he kinda finds the whole thing stupid. Yet he goes along with the halloween-themed movies on Freeform that you have him watch with you, even though he questions the continuity more than half the time. He also makes jack o'lanterns, because he likes slicing into something that isn't a machine for once, but he's surprisingly good at carving them with the stinger-thingies on his wrists. He doesn't really eat cookies but when you find a really good one you just shove it in his mouth and take off running before he could do anything. He kinda just has the cookie in his mouth and takes a bite.

"Huh, this is decent" he thinks they're great, but won't admit it. He draws the line at couple costumes. You only convince him to do one just to say you did it. It took you months to figure out the perfect couple costume. Despite him finding trick or treat stupid and staying at headquarters you go anyway. Fifteen minutes later he wonders where the hell you are and looks for you. When he finds you he thinks your an idiot for going in your costume. Corners you in an alley.

You try to convince him to trick or treat with you. He doesn't want to. He kinda just follows you around and when people ask him if he's trick or treating he answers with a straight 'no, I'm making sure my idiot girlfriend doesn't get herself killed'. They think he's joking. Scarlet never jokes. You also help stand up for little kids who are getting bullied out of their candy by other teenagers. That's when everyone realizes you and Scarlet are the real deal. Next year they have you and Scarlet as a couple costume available to the public. Now no matter what he's wearing a couple costume with you.

Kid Arachnid-

Miles loves Halloween. Like Flash it's one of his favorite holidays. But he's more into the spoop and memes than anything. He still scares the crap out of you, but he also sends you spoop memes he found during your separate patrols. They're actually really good ones tho. He also makes his webs into a skeleton whenever he beats a bad guy somewhere. Everyone thinks it's some new vigilante in New York but it's just him. He also buys a crapton of Halloween-themed sugary treats, half of them he shares with you and the other half he stashes somewhere, where you'll never find them or find out about them. You love when he gives you food, especially sugary food. And of course you'll watch Halloween themed movies together. You guys like to joke about continuity errors together as well. Then on Halloween you guys will wear your costumes but add a little something. Like Miles will put on a cowboy hat and bandana with a fake gun holster with a very real SHIELD pistol. While you might just put on a mask or something. Everyone thinks your not the real deal when you are and you get a lot of candy and trade later on in your room. And if you thought you had fun during Halloween, just wait until Christmas


Cho, much like Scarlet doesn't like Halloween. Like at all. He avoids it as much as possible, which is a very hard thing to do. So he kinda just locks himself up in his lab and avoids emails from everyone but Fury. He knows there will be those 'look closely so a scary monster can jump out at you' videos and spoopy memes. God does he hate spoopy memes. Those are like the bane of his existence during this month. His strategy usually works, but he didn't consider you as a factor. You would break into his lab and bring some halloween spirit along with you. And because he taught you how to hack you like to hack his devices are air the whole Hocus Pocus movie. Then you drop down from the vent with a bucket of popcorn so he has no choice. But he makes a deal with you. If you leave him alone in his lab for the whole month of October and not mention Halloween once (your welcome to visit tho, dude can't be apart from you for more than 8 hours before going insane) he'll go with you trick or treating. And you get super excited about this. The whole month you plan your costumes and everything. And on the night of Halloween you throw your costume at him and go change into yours.

"Is this racist? I feel like this is slightly racist somehow" he comes out dressed as a ninja because you decided on matching ninja costumes. You think he looks adorable tho. You insist it's better that way because you could also patrol too and nobody would know your true identities. Cho gives up and goes with it. And he doesn't admit it, but he does have fun. Especially since after you get your candy you pull out a real smoke bomb and ninja away, and like Spidey you scope out the neighborhoods to see which houses are serving the full-sized bars. You also trade candy together, though the best part is eating it and joking with him and bringing up embarrassing and funny stuff that happened that night. Though if Cho doesn't want anyone else to hear he'll just throw a candy wrapper at you. You end up getting stomach aches from all the candy, and while Cho is wondering how the hell it happened to him and he wasn't watching what he was eating, you don't regret a thing.


Nova is really into Halloween, the scares, the spoop, he loves it all. And every day he'll wake you up with an airhorn followed by a shout of how many days to Halloween before ducking away from the door, seeing as you like to throw things at him when he wakes you up. Very hard, metal things. And do not. Do not let him go into a Halloween store unsupervised. Because he will come out with 6 skeletons, three skeleton horses, 20 different streamers and 15 different couples costumes. You'll try all of them before you find the one you guys like most. This year he went as the strawberry flavored nerds and you went as grape nerds. You wanted to be strawberry but he insisted on being strawberry because he was so much more fun, so you let him. You don't wear your costumes but you do enjoy a lot more being yourselves for a night together, especially your favorite night. Well, second favorite. You both love Christmas as you set your phones for 12:01 am Nov. 1st and your usually the one to kick Sam's door open while shouting 'It's Christmas!' Then Cho or Cloak would open their door and be like. 'It's November! No!' but you guys wear speakers for November and blast Christmas music 24/7. Well until Scarlet slashes them in half that is.

Iron Fist-

Danny is more into the spiritual aspect of Halloween. And while he does do silly things with you like buying treats, watching Halloween movies and dancing to Halloween music with you. But his favorite thing is jack o'lanterns. Instead of trick or treating he would burn different incenses in his room with a circle of jack o'lanterns to repel any evil spirits as he meditates and tries to enter the spiritual plane, if only for a few hours. He does this later at night, like at 9 or something before the witching hour. So you do some light trick or treating earlier on with your friends and before the meditation you come back, offering Danny some candy. He'll try to be smooth and kiss you, but if you ask why he'll get all flustered. "W...well, your lips are sweet like candy so I thought..." you think it's adorable and give him another kiss before helping him set up. You'll meditate together and go to the spiritual plane and it's actually pretty cool. But with it being cool, you can also lose your soul in the plane if you forget your world. It almost happened to you on your first time but Danny kept you from getting trapped forever. The pull is the strongest the first time you go so it's always good to have a partner. And the jack o'lanterns don't just work in the regular world, but they also protect you in the spiritual plane as well. So you have to stick close together. Some of your best times with Danny are in the spiritual plane. You guys have a lot of fun and meet a lot of nice and interesting spirits. Who always make sure to let you know how much you have until the witching hour. You make sure to leave before then because bad things happen in the spiritual plane during the witching hour. Danny's had personal experience with this one time with the monks, so you leave well before it begins. When you wake up you talk about how cool it was and you thank him for the experience with a big hug before getting ready for bed. Danny rearranges the jack o'lanterns so they're around his bed and insists you sleep in his room because of magical mystic stuff and the jack o'lanterns can protect and alert you when stuff happens. You didn't listen to him, he got you at 'can you sleep with me?' Usually nothing happens, but it's always good to be prepared just in case.

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