Chapter 23

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The vocal part of the audition went well. They had assigned me Sorry Not Sorry by Demi Lovato, the clean version. Kevin had gotten Shape of You by Ed Sheeran. He had a really good voice and I thin we did the best out of our group. A half hour later half the people that were here were dismissed, though a few did try the sneak back in.

"Alright. Now onto dancing." Bryan said smiling. "I have randomly chosen a song. You can either split up into groups of three two, or be on your own for this. You have to choose a part of the song and do a bit of choreography. Your choreography won't matter much, we're mostly looking for skills." people split into groups when he finished. I went looking for Kevin.

"Hey, wanna be partners? I don't want to do this alone." he said before I could.

"Definitely. I was just about to ask you the same thing." a few minutes later bryan came around and gave each group an ipod.

"Use this, even if you don't get the job you can keep it." he gave kevin and I an ipod and we went to work.


"Now lay your arms like this and spin." I said showing kevin. He copied me and smiled.

"Cool. I think we're going to get this job. Or at least I hope."

"Let's do it from the beginning." I said stepping into place. We played the music and we sprung to life. When we finished we were breathing heavily.

"That was awesome!" I said giving him a high five.

"I know right?"

"Everyone can I have your attention?" Bryan said walking into the room. "Times up. Any volunteers to go first?" a group of three girl jumped up and walked into the middle of the room. They hooked up their idop to a speaker and got into place. It was really good. Next was a group of boys.

"Wanna go next?" Kevin asked in the middle of the boys performance.

"Sure. That'll be a good idea." the song ended and he stood up.

"Ah, our teens." Bryan said. "I'm sure you have something good to show us."

"I hope so." I hear Kevin mutter under his breath. The music started and we jumped up and danced.

(Watch video and I hope it's obvious who Kevin and Becca are)

When we finished there was apploses and we sat back down. A girl went after us and did really well. It took an hour but soon everyone was done. We were given water and snacks to hold us over until they were done going over everything.

"Alright! It's time to figure out who got the jobs." Bryan said walking in with a few people wearing expensive suits.

"First, Abigail Kensive. Clara Smith, John Kareen, Kevin Queen, Jake Linn, and Becca Ghul. the rest of you're dismissed." a man in a white suit said. There was cheers and groans heard throughout the room. Kevin and I high fived and congratulated each other.

"Queen huh?" I asked smirking. His face flushed and he looked at the floor.

"Please don't tell anyone. He's my adoptive father. He sent me here to go to Gotham Academy, the super rich, super boring school." I patted his back.

"There there pour soul. I won't tell anyone." the six of us were ushered to the dressing rooms. In there were a few people that already worked there. I was walked to a group of tall women.

"Ladies, this is Becca. She's joining your group. Teach her the choreograph and get her dressed." Bryan said before walking away.

They all stared at me before a woman with curly blonde hair wearing red lipstick and black eyeshadow said, "Yeah! We get a cutie!" she scooped me up in a bone crushing hug. She let me go and smiled. "You have such pretty hair! And your eyes are stunning!" she was obviously the girly one in the group and possibly the makeup artist. Another lady with straight black hair spun me around to face her. "You had amazing dancing skills!" she said in a hispanic accent. She was probably the lead dancing judging on her body type.

"Yes and your singing was beautiful! You're sure to be a lead singer!" a lady with wavy red hair sat putting a hand on my shoulder. Her voice was strong and carried through the room. She was probably the singer. Two other women stood in front of me. One was really tall and muscular. She had brown hair put up in a bun. "Hey kid, I'm Stephanie. Don't worry about anything today, we're gonna take care of everything." she also a blonde and probably the mother of the group.

"That's Cary, the makeup artist." Stephanie said pointing to the blonde. "Brittney, our lead dancer. Rachael, our singer." she then pointed to the one lady who hadn't spoken yet. "And this is Marget, our manager." I nodded and waved.

"Let's teach you the choreography for our song, we'll practise that then we'll get ready for our show. After that you can go home." Brittney said leading me over to our private practise room. Forty minutes later I knew the dance by heart.

"You are a very fast learner! I'm so proud." she said giving me a hug. She lead me other to Cary who put some makeup on me and got me a dress that for me. We all went through the dance together before it was our turn to go out. We all walked out and got into place. The music started and we all danced and sang together. When it finished there was a roar of applauses and we walked off the stage.

"That was fantastic!" Rachel said hugging me. "Bryan will come by and give you your pay and then you can leave."

"Thanks." I said hugging her back. "Today was awesome. You guys are the best." they all laughed. Soon Bryan came and gave me my payment. I had to sign a few paper but soon I was out of their and on my way to the mountain ready for the mission.

Okay this one was a little boring but next chapter lots of stuff is gonna happen. Thank you all for reading, please comment and vote. Thanks and bye!


This is Brittney then Stephanie,  Cary, and then Rachael

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

This is Brittney then Stephanie,  Cary, and then Rachael. best photo that would work for them. 

Left Behind/~/Bart AllenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang