Chapter 22

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Damian was taken back by what I said. "<TT> as if I would get married to any swine." he said crossing his arms. "And there is no possible way that you are my daughter."

"Unless I'm from the future and have come to save the world Father."


"Ha, you wish." I smirked. Bruce cut in before he could say anything else.

"Damian, she is your daughter. Whatever she says is true." Damian raised an eyebrow looking me over once more.

"She does have our smirk, eyes, and posture. But she must get her hair from her mother and attitude."

"You would think." I said rolling my eyes.

"It's late," Dick said standing. "Let's all go to sleep and figure he rest out in the morning. Becca you have a mission tomorrow so get some rest." I cleared my plate and got ready for bed. I opened my computer but there was no new emails. I sighed as I closed the computer and placed it at the end of the bed. I eventually fell asleep at twelve o' one.


I woke up at four and crawled out of bed. I slipped on some work out clothes and took the elevator down to the batcave. I started warming up for my normal work out. I did fifty squats, fifty push ups, five minute planks, and fifty pull ups on the high bar. I climbed up the ladder to the tightrope and trapeze that Bruce installed for Dick. I walked across the tightrope getting the feel for it before I started doing a few flips and cartwheels on it. I did a few ariels and dropped down the the trapeze. Now on that I gracefully flew through the air doing everything that Dick had taught me. I ended with a quadruple flip and stuck the landing. Dick would be proud. I then took out Father's katana that he left down here last night. I unsheathed it and tested its weight. Father never let me touch it before. It was light and graceful and I practiced using it on the dummies. After ten minutes I stabbed the dummy in the chest one last time before sheathing it again. I heard clapping from behind me.

"Impressive. Whoever taught you must be good." Damian said stepping out of the shadows.

"Thank you Father but you should take the credit. You taught me after all." he rolled his eyes.

"Don't call me that."

"What Father? That's who you are after all." then I had an idea. "I challenge you to a sparring match. If you win, I stop calling you Father, and if I win, I get to keep calling you Father." he took his katana from me and smirked.

"I accept." he tossed me a spare katana from a wall filled with other training equipment. I unsheathed it and pointed it towards him.

"Ready when you are."

"Begin." He said. He lunged at me and I swiftly stepped out of his way tripping him as he flew passed. He received with a quick roll and jumped back up. But before he could fully recover, I advanced. The cave was filled with the sound of metal hitting metal repeatedly. In the end I won. He had tried to stab me and I grabbed his arm and pinned him down. He grunted as he hit the floor.

"Thanks for the practice Father." I chuckled. He grunted and I let him up.

"I must be a good teacher." he said haughtily. "No one has ever bested me before."

"I have to go and get ready for the day, I'll see you for breakfast." he nodded as I walked away. It was six when I had gotten out of the shower and slipped the clothes I was going to wear for the audition. I walked downstairs and into the dinning room where everyone sat chatting while Alfred brought out breakfast. We all ate in peace for awhile until Damian dumped his glass of milk on Tim. which lead Tim to throw eggs at Damian but missing and hitting Jason. Soon, a whole food war broke out. I was fine with it until Jason poured orange juice on me. "OKAY!" I yelled. "That's it!" I jumped over the table with a container of maple syrup. I dumped it all over the boys. They screamed like girls and ran away from me. Bruce stopped us after that and made us clean up everything. After that I changed into a pair of black leggings and a t-shirt. I put on black sneakers and my watch. It was eight forty.

"Crap I'm gonna be late!" I ran down stairs and past all my uncles and Father. "I'm going out I'll be back in time for the mission." I yelled running out the door. I jumped on my bike and road to the Bar. as I walked in I was right on time. When you first walk in there's a small bar for people which was all modern looking. But if you look to the right of the room, there's a doorway that leads to a different bar for super rich people. In the front a man that was probably in his late thirties with brown hair walked up to me with a charming smile.

"You must be Becca."
"Yes, I am. Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"You are very welcome, it's not everyday that some young girl has a voice like yours. But today we will not only be testing your voice, we will also be doing some dance routines."

"Alright." I said as he lead me to the back of the bar. We walked through the rich person area and my mouth dropped open. In there was a giant stage with purple and blue lights. Around it was tables filled with people drinking and laughing. We walked past them and into a backroom filled with people. It was a simple dance room and makeup station.

"Alright everyone." the man said. "My name is Bryan Cross and I'm the owner of this bar. First I'm gonna take a few people at a time into a soundproof room and test their vocals. If you make it past that, you will be part of a dance routine. And if you make it past that, you will put on a routine on stage today." the room was filled with the buzz of excited chatter. Everyone here looked like they were twenty or older. That's when I spotted a boy with blonde hair and glasses standing in the corner alone. I walked over to him and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Becca." I said giving him the sweetest smile I could. He looked up and smiled.
"Hey, I'm Kevin, and thank God that there's someone that's my age here."

"I know! I got scared when I saw everyone."

"And you two." Bryan said pointing to us two interrupting our conversation. "Follow me and we'll begin the official auditions." I smiled and walked confidently with Bryan and a few other people. I got this.

Yeah a long chapter!(at least for me) Thank you all for reading, please comment and vote. I hope you all enjoyed it and tell me if you want anything to happen. Thanks and bye!

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