Chapter 24

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I slipped on some sunglasses as I was transported into the mountain. The team was in the front room training.

"Sup." I said walking in. They all waved and went back to whatever they were doing. I changed into my suit and jumped in with Bee and Roquet(is it Roquet?). They were pretty good sparring partners. Ten minutes later Batman came in with Nightwing.

"Alright team, new mission." Nightwing said as he waved his hand bring up the hologram computer. "From out inside men, we gathered information on the Reach kidnapping runaways and taking them to their base for tests. We don't know what tests, but hey can't be good. You are going undercover to observe. Gather intel before escaping with the runaways." we all nodded and watched the screen.

"Team Alpha is Superboy, Megan, Blue Beetle, and Bee." Batman said in a flat monotone voice. "Beta is Red Robin, Phoenix, Impulse, and Beast Boy. the others will stay back and be ready for the signal you give after securing the data and kids."


We all dropped into the small cage with the runaways. We had all changed back into normal clothing and sunglasses. The kids started whispering.

"Shhh, we're going to help you." Superboy said.

"Why should we trust you?" One boy asked crossing his arms. Bee suddenly shrunk down and flew into an inside pocket of Blue's jacket. The kids started at each other beside being quiet for the rest of the time. Soon the cage opened and the kids were grabbed and shoved into these pod like things. I was grabbed last and was about to be shoved into a pod when a man said, "Put that one with the specials. She looks strong, she can take the serum." I was taken to a blue pod instead. Before they could close the pod I looked to my team for help but their faces shared the look n my face. Horror. The pod closed and everything went dark.


I groggily opened my eyes. I was inside a different pod, but my hands were locked up to in both corners above my head. A thin tube was giving my some clear liquid and a different was running out of me with a black liquid. That couldn't be good. I struggled for a second before I was shocked. A scream caught in my throat and my body tensed before going limp. I lifted my head. There was six pods in here total. Two were empty, and the other four had other unconscious kids. One was Jamie. I tried to kick down the glass, but it was bullet proof. I had a lock picker/laser pen, but they probably took that before putting my in here. I tried screaming but it was sound proof. I was about to give but Jamie suddenly woke up, jumping up and getting shocked. He grimaced and squeezed his eyes shut. A few minutes later, he spotted me. He tried to talk to me, but I shook my head and bit my bottom lip. We aren't getting out of this one. He started to fight and move around crazily. After a minutes of being shocked he stopped. A few tears leaked from his eyes and he leaned back. A few scientists walked in and read some data in their alien language. Suddenly they pointed to Jamie and I. they opened his pod and he fell forward. He was too weak to struggle. I was let down and released. I jumped up and punched the first lady scientist. She fell back with me on top of her I punched her a few times and was going to stand up but the other male scientist grabbed a syringe and injected something in me. It was burning and it trailed through my bloodstream making every movement agonizing. I fell to the floor and they put cuffs on me they dragged us past doors and rooms. My vision was blurry, maybe from tears or what they put in me, I couldn't tell. They put me and Jamie in the blue pods again. I was about to fall asleep when they left but the pod opened and Bart was in front of me.

"Took you long enough." I croaked out. Bart gave me a cheesy smile and let Jamie out. He looked better than me by far.

"Let's go!" Jamie said transforming into his suit. "It's payback time."


We found our way to the fight and soon we were knee deep in bad guys. I punched a few before jumping on Bart's shoulders and jumping across the room to help the others. That's when Black Beetle walked in. He began to fight with Blue, suddenly Megan let out a scream. I whipped my head around and found her stuck in the wall and unconscious. A girl that had an orange mohawk thing, was leaning against the wall. Her hand began to glow and the wall melted way, letting a mass of water to flow in. Everyone was swept away. Soon all the kids were moved over to the escape pods along with the few injured heros. They were sent out first. A few minutes later, almost everyone was evacuated. We had gotten Megan free, but Blue was still fighting Black. "Blue we gotta go! It's the last one!"

"I almost had him!" he shouted while blasting Black in the chest. Suddenly black jumped up and crushed Jamie. I jumped over to Black and kicked him in the head. He fell back and laughed.

"Hello meat. I see you escaped the special treatment."

"Yah yah blah blah," I said getting into a fighting pose. "Less talk more fight." he smirked and we began to fight. I tried to aim for his weak points. I looked across the room and saw Bart helping Jamie to the last escape pod with Beast boy and Lagon. He then punched me in the gut. I flew across the room and ran into the wall. The wall now had an indent of me in it, but I was fine, somehow. Black was gone. I crawled/swam to the escape pod and we were soon on solid land. I laid there on the beach for sometime before strong arms picked me up and carried me to Megans plane. Soon darkness came over me.

I'm back! sorry for not posting in so long! my parents banned electronics for the break! Anyway, thanks you all for reading, please comment and vote. I am giving Becca powers! If you have any idea of what they should be, comment! Thanks and bye!

Left Behind/~/Bart AllenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang