Chapter 13

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We entered the mountain and walked around. "Haven't been here in awhile." Jason said doing a 360º. "Bart! I have candy!" I said holding up the bags of candy above my head. A blur ran past me and grabbed the candy out of my hand. "You got Twix!" Bart shouted.

"Duh why would I not get Twix? And Bart this is Uncle Jay."

"He already knows your identity." I said to Jason. "Oh uh hey kid." Jason said.

"Cool! I actually get to meet one of the Outlaws!" Jason's face turned to a bright smile. "Glad you think so."
"In the future you guys are a big part of fighting crime! But did you actually work with Bizzaro?" this went on for awhile. I mean they talked for two hours about this stuff. I'm glad Jason has a fan. I zoned out and was just eating my candy when Jay said, "Hey Bart, how long have you known Becca?"

"All my life actually. We went to school together, hung out during the summers, and fought crime together!" Bart said cheerfully. Jason nodded looking in between us. "So then how close are you and Becca then?" I rolled my eyes. "Jay really? You ar-" I was cut off by Bart.

"We're really close. I just gave her a promise ring yesterday actually." that made Jason stop for a second. "Oh really." He nodded. "Go on."

"Umm that's really it." Jason nodded again. I checked my watch and sighed. "It's now 9:45 guys. We gotta leave for dinner." Bart nodded and stood up. "Okay see you tomorrow Becca!"

"Bye Bart, I'll take you out tomorrow. How's Chinese food sound?"

"Great!" Bart said hugging me. I walked over to the zeta tubes. I turned around and say Jason bend down and whisper something to Bart. Bart paled and nodded quickly. Jason stood up and said, "Bye kid, I now know where you live." I rolled my eyes and punched Jason's shoulder. We teleported to the batcave and ran upstairs. Dinner was ready and all set up when we came in. "How was it?" Bruce asked me.

"Oh it was a lot of fun! First we got ice cream and then we went to store and bought a lot of candy and then we went to the bank and stopped Bane from robbing everyone! It was a lot of fun. Oh and Jason met Bart. They really hit it off."

"Really now?" Bruce said. "Bart's a good kid."

"Yah, he was a fan of the Outlaws. But that wasn't the most interesting thing I heard." I finished my food, which was a large steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. I wiped my mouth with a napkin and began to drink from my water. "It was that Bart had given Becca a promise ring." I choked on my water and glared at Jason. Bruce raised an eyebrow at me. "Really, When did he give it to you?"

"Yesterday at the fair."

"Oh so it's one of the cheap plastic ones?" Tim said looking up from his computer for the first time today. "Oh no. I don't know what it's made of. Here take a look." I said slipping off the ring and handing it to him. Tim turned it over several times and did some other weird stuff with it and gasped. "Holy crap!" he didn't exactly say ship. "This is expensive! And these are real crystals! Here did Bart get something like this?"

"So?" I asked taking back the ring and began laughing and they just looked at me with confusion. "That's how much it costs here? In the future these things were just twenty dollars! Someone found an abandoned gold mine with millions of chunks of gold." I said. "Man you guys need to fix your prices! It's a total rip off!" I slipped the ring back on and stood up. "Could you imagine spending more than that on a piece of jewelry?" everyone turned to Bruce who was now focused on his food. "Goodnight everyone and thanks Jay today was fun."

Thank you all for reading. Please comment and vote! Thanks again and bye!

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