Chapter 2

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I woke up around 2:30 with a feeling that something was off. I sat up and observed the still room. The orphanage was small but we had no choice but to keep cramming in more and more girls.  All the girls were sleeping around me, exhausted from the days work. I quietly stood up and walked out of the room. I went to the locker room, it's where we kept all our belongings, and changed out of my pajamas. I slipped on my shoes and walked out without a sound. The streets were trashed but empty. There was nothing but silence. I walked around with still no trace or reason for me to be out and awake. That was until I saw Bart talking with a bald man. I was confused, Bart was wearing a red and white jumpsuit? I quietly made my way to them. Now, only a few feet away from them I found my voice. "What are you doing?" They both froze. "Becca? You're not supposed to see this." Bart said.

"See what exactly? You in a red and white jumpsuit?"

"Becca!" he groaned putting his head in his hands. "You weren't supposed to see this." His voice was muffled by his hands this time. That's when I looked over at the man. He appeared normal but then I saw the time machine behind him. "B-Bart, you were g-going to leave me?" I asked tears pooling in my eyes. "You were going to leave me weren't you?" Now the tears spilled down my cheeks. Bart looked up at me with his own tears spilling down. "I was just supposed to leave and be right back Becca, you wouldn't have even known!" Bart said stepping towards me. I turned my back, I couldn't look at him, the bald man, that machine. I felt him hug my back and his tears fell on my shoulder. "I will come back for you Becca, I promise." he kissed my cheek and ran over to the machine. I looked back at him and he climbed in then there. The time machine lit up for a second before everything was dark again. The time machine was gone. Bart was gone. I cried and cried and cried. I waited for him. He said he'd be back as if he was never gone. He didn't come back. I ran all the way back to the house and slipped in. I walked into the shower room and turn on the shower. I stripped out of my clothes and stepped under the freezing water. I was still sobbing until the shower stopped. I changed into a fresh pair of clothes since it was now about 4:30am and work roll call was at 5. I heard a few of the older girls come down the stairs and go around the corner. I sighed and brushed my hair. I walked out the shower room and ran into Trisha, who is a sixteen year old and the older sister figure for us all. "Becca are you okay?" she asked reaching down to pick a piece of loose hair off my shoulder. "Yeah." my nose was clogged and I'm sure my eyes were puffy. Trisha looked me up and down for a second, "You sure? It looks like you've been crying."

"Bart um, died." I said. Which wasn't a lie, if he was alive he would have already come back. Isn't that how time travel worked?

"Who is Bart exactly? I'm sorry I've never met him, um." Was Bart just so forgettable? Did no one care about him besides me?

"Never mind." I whispered.

"Becca I'm sorry I-"

"I SAID NEVER MIND!" I snapped. I stormed away from her with tears pouring from my eyes.

I rushed outside and walked to the pit. I sat down and dangled my legs over the edge of the pit. I then laid down on my back and stared at the fading stars. "Bart, why did you leave me behind?"

Hey I'm back! Did you like it? I know it's a bit emotional but it's going to  get  better. If you have any ideas please tell me and just vote and comment! Bye!🙃

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