🥀Happy Thanksgiving!🥀

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"I know it's early but I'm going to start on some dinner. I was going to go visit Scott since he's still on house arrest. Then after go out as Spider-Man and maybe help people get a thanksgiving dinner or maybe even presents." He said as he stood stretching, yawning a bit as well. Tony's face lit up.

"Why don't we do now? We can visit Scott and then go to shelters and help by making them food and donating money. I'm in, if they are too." Tony said. Pepper and Rhodey had matching grins on their faces as they nodded. Peter had a larger grin on his face and nodded enthusiastically. Everyone got their jackets and scarves cause just because it's fall doesn't mean it's not freaking cold. They went to the garage and got into one of Tony's black 2019 Ford Ranger's pickup truck. Tony has it in case he needs to stay on the down low. And it's Rhodey's favorite. They left the tower and started driving to Scott's house while singing along to, Meet me on the battle field by SVRCINA.


The parked the car and knocks on the door. A few minutes later the door opened to show Scott with Cassie on his shoulders. Cassie squealed as Scott put her down and tackled hugged Peter who had crouched down to her level.

"Hey Cassie how are you princess."

"I'm good HI Mr. Stark! Miss Stark! Hi Rhodey!" Cassie swelled giving them each a hug as Scott greeted them as well, being careful his leg doesn't leave the house.

"Alright come on inside, if I had known you were coming I would have made more food." Scott said as he let everyone inside and closed the door from the cold.

"Where not planning on staying for dinner but thank you. We were coming to visit. Sorry you're still on house arrest." Tony said.

"Nah man you did plenty for me. I mean I could have gone to jail but thanks to you I still get to see my beautiful Cassie by being on house arrest and honestly it's only 2 years meaning I'm out this summer." Scott said smiling. Tony gave him a genuine smile as Scott led them upstairs. There they were met with Hank Pym, Hope Pym and Janet, Maggy, and Paxton. Hope got into a defensive stance when she saw Tony and Rhodey but calmed down when Scott gave her the ok.

"Maggy Paxton, Hope, Hank, Janet, these are my friends, Peter Parker aka Tony's personal intern- Peter smiled and gave them a wave-

"Tony Stark of course- Tony gave them his signature smile-

"Pepper Stark Tony's wife- Pepper gave them each a hug or a handshake-

"And Colonel Rhodes aka Rhodey Tony's best friend- Rhodey have them each a handshake."

"I'm Hank this is Hope my daughter Janet my wife, Paxton and Maggy aka Scott's ex-wife. It's nice to meet you." Hank said nodding to them all. Everyone sat down and started talking when half an hour into them being there, Hank and Tony where talking about their suits.

"Yep and my suit is made out of nanotechnology, absolutely amazing.

"Well it can't possibly be better than the ant-man suit, or The Wasp suit." Hank said cockily. Pepper and Janet rolled their eyes before resuming.

"Not saying it's better cause there both equally good, just saying my suit is amazing."

"You want to-

"Hey hey hey no need for debates on which suit is better ok? They are both very good suits from what I've studied and seen from the suits. Now if you can excuse me Cassie's going to drag me to her room to show me something and while I'm gone do not fight. And please don't lose track of time cause we still have to go to the- one second Cassie princess- to the shelters. Bye!" Peter said as Cassie dragged him to her room. They all chuckled as Scott watched them fondly.

Avenger's One-Shots/ IronDad & SpidersonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora