Lost Dress

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Maria POV

I wondered around the house looking for Diggy till I came across the kids playing in a room. The boy looked up to me and asked who I was I told him"his new mommy" he asked what happened to his old mommy and I told him he has two mommies. He looked at The little girl and shook his head. I asked him what was wrong he said"I only have one mommy and she loves me" I growled and told him that later on in the month she would stop loving him. He started to sob an I went over to him and cradled him. It felt good to hold a toddler knowing that he finds comfort in me. The little girl just stated at me with a blank expression on her face and continued to play with her toys. Once the boy stopped crying I got up to continue my search for Diggy. I found him playing the video game in the theater. When he heard me he pauses his game and looked over at me.

Diggy: you okay?

Maria:yeahh you know being pregnant

Diggy: come sit down

-Maria goes and sits down next to him.

Diggy:what do you plan on naming her?

Maria: Destiny...

Diggy:that's a pretty name

Maria:yeah....where's Danielle?

Diggy:I think she went grocery shopping

Maria: don't you guys have people to do that?

Diggy: Danielle rather she do it, like she washes dishes and does the laundry and stuff

Maria: couldn't you guys hire a maid??

Diggy:Danielle thinks that whatever they can do she can do for free

Maria: but you guys are rich....

Diggy:um....Danielle was raised different from me so I don't complain

Maria: what game are you playing?

Diggy: Modern Warfare 3

Maria:can I play?

Diggy:do you know how to play?

Maria: nooooo....but I'm kinda bored

Diggy: alright I can teach you.

-Diggy teaches Maria how to play and they end up playing for a 45 minutes till Diggy says he has to go feed the twins.

Maria POV

After Diggy left the theater room i made sure he was all the way downstairs and I snuck over to his bedroom. The door wasn't locked so I crept in. They had white carpet an a white bed everything was white, honestly it was tacky....I can't wait till I get her to leave. Everything in this room will be gone. I ran my fingers on the bed knowing they made love on it multiple times. They had a really pretty view and you could see the sun setting. I walked over to a door and opened it an it was a largeeeeee walk in closet it was like another bedroom I could tell it was Diggys cuz it didn't have any girl clothes. I saw a silk button down shirt and put my face up to it. Diggy smelt like Jesus armpits. I unbuttoned the shirt and put it on. It was 10x my size but that was the great thing about it. I spun around a couple times the decided to find Danielle's Closet. Hers was connected to Dig's and when I went in there......my jaw hit The floor hers was 20x times bigger then Diggys an their was clothes EVERYWHERE!! Shoes!! Purses!!! Dresses!!! I was in girl heaven! If this was something I could get later I wanted to hurry up the process! I tried on some shoes and to my surprise we were the same size!! She had this really cute white maternity dress that I thought was adorable. I decided to take it cuz she wouldn't miss it. She had like 20 other maternity dresses. After about 1O Minutes in her closet I left I put the dress in my stomach and walked to my room. I hide the dress under my bed when i heard Diggy yelling for me. Omgg he sounded sexy yelling my name.

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