Never Again

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Diggy POV

So we're sitting in The car in the parking lot and the driver has No clue where were going or what were talking about. Loriale is getting agitated and Lola is trying to figure out where the church is.

Loriale: Where the fuck are we going?!!

Lola: driver can we drop her ass off please

Loriale:pleeeease do, YOU and YO stank attitude Iz getting on my nerves!

Lola: my STANK attitude?? Lo you acting real funny!! my grandmother just died

Loriale: it's not my fault your grandmother just died (feels regret after saying it)

Lola: Fuck you.....(gets out of car and slams the door)

Diggy: really Lori....(gets out of the car and follows Lola) Lola! (catches up with Lola)

Lola: Diggy I can't do it anymore

Diggy: yes you can

Lola: it's to much

Diggy: what's to much

Lola:'I don't know EVERYTHING

Diggy: you don't even know what's wrong so you shouldn't be worried about "everything"

Lola: I know Iv been acting like a total asshole recently...

Diggy: yeah but your my asshole (smiles)


Diggy: theirs the laugh I love (kisses Lola)

Lola: (kisses back) I'm sorry

Diggy: it's okay we should at least try to find the church for the lunch

Lola: ohh yeah, let's go (remembers she has her uncles number so

She calls and gets directions)

No one POV

Diggy and Lola get back to the car and Lola gets in first then Diggy.

Lola tells the driver the directions then Awkward silence in the car. know I didn't mean it

Lola: you were still wrong though

Loriale: I know and that's why I want to apologize

Lola:apologize??? I thought I would never live to see the day were Loriale Marie Siers would apologize (smiles)

Loriale: well you did (laughs)

Lola: I know

Loriale:we cool?...

Lola: as a cucumber (looks over at Diggy)



Loriale:what's so funny?!!

Lola:ohh nothing...(do you guys remember? The cucumber joke?)


-----arrive at the church 25 min later

Loriale: I AM STARVING!!

Diggy: same, you hungry Lo?

Lola: I won't be able to eat

Loriale: why

Lola: my parents MiGHT be here...

Loriale: OHHH well let's go in (walks up the stairs an enters the church)

No one POV

They all walk in to church and are directed in a large room with about 40 tables. They decide to sit in the back to draw less attention. Lola gets up

It's time to Sing:जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें