New Beginning

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thought i posted.....but i didnt

----month later

Danielle POV

We finally brought a house, it's really big. There's 6 bedroom, a pool etc etc etc. Our relationship is going well, Its like we fell in love all over again. We checked out of our hotel and our real estate agent said the house was ready after waiting all day the call, I picked out all the furniture. Cuz diggy has no taste...only in clothes. We arrived at our house. Oh my gosh it was the ahmazing place I've ever seen. Diggy never saw it cuz he let me choose and didn't't want any part in it. I mean I've seen it before but to know that this is our house, me and Diggy. I couldn't ask for anything else. The news has been going hectic seen people found out I was alive and living. So I've just been staying inside for the past month. Diggy gets out the car and comes to my side and opens my door and we walk up the stairs to the door.

Diggy: open it

Danielle: no you open it

Diggy: no you picked it out

Danielle: yeah I PICKED it out so you should open it

Diggy: we should open in together..

Danielle:...(laughs) we should!

No one POV

Danielle reaches for the door handle and Diggy puts his hand on top of hers.. "you ready?" he says "of course" Danielle says. They both push open the door and enter their house together.

Diggy: it's really nice

Danielle:I know I chose it, and the furniture

Diggy: I hope theirs a extra room

Danielle:...what for??

Diggy:children one day (smiles, hugs Danielle from behind)

Danielle: (smiles) really?

Diggy: yeah four

Danielle: why four?

Diggy:I don't know, I had dream we had four so...four

Danielle: (laughs) girls or boys? twins first a boy and girl then a other boy and then another girl.

Danielle:awwww twins?

Diggy: yeah an their gnna be beautiful just their mother

Danielle: thanks (smiles) I love you

Diggy: I love you too

Danielle: let's take a tour! (says excitedly)

Diggy: but you have to be my tour guide...

Danielle: oh really?

Diggy: yes, you get to show me all the places I can go (softly squeezes her butt)

Danielle: there's a lot of places you can go..(smirks)

Diggy: I wanna go...(thinks) somewhere I can eat out

Danielle: (smiles)

Danielle POV

He swiftly hoisted me up in his arms, and let his lips hunt along my throat until they met mine. I kissed him back with as much eagerness he was putting in. I had been awhile since we had done this, and it wasn't until now that I realized that I craved for it.

(i didnt feel like writing a sex scene, you guuiseeee know what happens next..but if you don't...listen to "neighbors know my name" trey songz)

----Next morning curtsy to

I woke up still enclosed in Daniel’s arms. He’s freaking gorgeous. Any girl would want him in their bed, and to know that he only wants to be in mine, is just a feeling I can’t explain. I sat up and looked over at the clock hanging on the opposite side of the wall. It was only a couple minutes past eight. I looked over at Daniel again, and was a little taken aback to see that he was wide awake. "Good morning. I thought you were still asleep." I said. He smiled at me and then tugged on a piece of my hair. "Nope, I was just waiting for you." I smiled back at him and looked down, feeling the heat rise to my face. "Well…what happens now?" I whispered. I could tell by the look that he wore on his face, that he didn’t even have to ask me what I meant. He sighed and then said, "Em, we keep doing this. As long as we have each other, everything will be fine. I promise things are going to get better now."he said. I kissed him and went to the bathroom.

After I brushed my teeth and whatnot, I couldn’t help but remember my dream before I woke up. I had no idea why BabyDoll popped up but I just prayed it was only that- just a dream. There was the other part of me, the wiser part, that told me to still stay aware. Maybe he wouldn’t come back, but I knew that the most unexpected people could come back into your life. I still wasn’t going to tell Daniel about it though. I was just deciding whether not telling would be better for me, or if it would lead me right back into the arms of danger’s temptation…

-----next week (i know im skipping a lot)

Diggy POV

Ive been touring and doing shows and things. I really cant do interviews because they always end up asking me about Danielle and where is she and how is she doing. But i needed to get some press and promote my shows and Perry told me that if i did an interview a lot of people would watch so i decided to go ahead and do one. Danielle is becoming her happy self again, she doesnt really leave the house i mean...i cant blame her. As im getting ready for this interview i think of BabyDoll...i have this gut feeling but im interrupted by Rog telling me its time to go on stage.

(choosing a random name for interviewer)

Rose: Hey Diggy

Diggy: Hello

Rose: Are you ready?because this live

Diggy: Never been so ready in my life!

Rose: Okay their are a lot of questions circulating around you and Lola


Rose: Do you know where she is?

Diggy: Yes i do

Rose: Can you explain what happened?

Diggy: She was killed by someone who is in custody now and at her funeral she came back to live on this eath.

Rose: That's what shocked everyone. No one knew what had happened! Now that was two sentences and i know that theirs more details

Diggy: There is.. but i cant enclose that information. What everybody is saying now is Fraudulent (heheh)

Rose: Theirs also rumors that are saying that BabyDoll from the girl group OMG Girlz is involved in this?

Diggy: I really don't know if that's true or not because you just said there are rumors so to me they will always be rumors unless i see it with my own eyes.

Rose: How is Lola doing?

Diggy: Shes fine, she stays cooped up at home.

Rose: How is you guys relationship going?

Diggy: we've never been so in love (smiles)

Rose: do you sometimes wished you would have never met her and her drama filled life? Diggy:.........i just told you we were in you gnna ask that question? She puts up with my shit and i put up with hers. Were in this together

. Rose: Its just sometimes people feel overwhelmed with other peoples problems

Diggy: her problems are my problems

Rose: There is a source thatsvery close to you and Lola That is saying that before that incident that you both were high...(interrupted)

Diggy;-NO NO NO weren't high!! where are you getting thez questions??!!! OUT OF YOUR ASS?!? this interview is over!!!! (Gets up and leaves)

will update soon

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