It Hurts

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Recap: Danielle was at the hospital oh and a message at the end of this chapter that i want everybody to read. It was fun writing for you guys

Danielle POV

I woke up in pain and with a banging headache, i looked around and i could see Diggy sitting in a chair with his head down, I grunted to get his attention and he looked up fast. His eyes were puffy and red and looked broken. That's when i realized what had happened. Diggy ran up to the side of the bed and we cried together. I wanted to....i don't know all i could do was cry. Then our family Doctor came in.

Doctor Reed: I see you've you know what happened?

Danielle: (nods head)

Doctor Reed: I'm so sorry, we tried everything we could

Danielle: how did this happen? i don't understand, i don't what i did?

Doctor Reed: you have children right?

Diggy: ...uh..yes their at my mothers house

Danielle: can you please tell me happened? please??

Doctor: Stress has long been suspected as a possible cause of miscarriage, with several studies indicating an increased risk among women reporting high levels of emotional or physical turmoil in their early months of pregnancy.

Danielle: your telling me because i was baby died?

Doctor: well not exactly

Danielle: what exactly? can you please tell me why my baby died?!?

Diggy: (see's she's getting aggravated) baby..please

Danielle: don't "baby" me, my unborn child is dead!

Doctor: Mr.Simmons, this is common in miscarriages

Danielle:...mis...carriage (starts sobbing)

Doctor:um...I'm so sorry..ill be back in 15 minutes

Diggy: -silent-

Danielle: Daniel...i killed our baby...

Diggy: no you didn't baby don't say that, it was apart of gods plan

Danielle: We have her....

Diggy: you name her...

Danielle: ......Dara....Da-sha..Simmons

Diggy: Dara is a beautiful name, what does it mean?

Danielle:Dara means compassion, wisdom, angel of rains and rivers and Da-sha means gift of God

Diggy: baby everything gnna be okay...

Danielle: this wasn't apart of your dream

Diggy: somethings we cant predict..

Doctor comes back in

Doctor do you want to see her? she isn't much and she is as tiny as your hand

Danielle: yes...

-----15 min later they bring Dara in

Danielle: (starts crying again)

Diggy: shhh (rubs her hair)

Danielle: im so sorry Dara, mommy loves you

---15 min later its just Diggy and Danielle in the room when Rev, Justine, David, and Dana comes rushing through the door

Rev: oh....

Justine: Danielle we got here as fast we could

Rev: what happened?


Rev: (starts saying some Scriptures)

Diggy: thanks dad

Justine: Danielle its going to be alright.

Rev: was it a boy?

Danielle: it was a girl

Justine: did you guys name her?

Diggy: yeah Dara Da-sha Simmons

Rev: that's a beautiful name, where did Da-sha come from?

Danielle: i learned about it when i was school its Greek and it means Gift of God

Rev: she was a gift of God...

David: mommy!!!!

Danielle: hey baby

David: are you okay?

Danielle: yes mommy just got a little sick, that's all

Danalynn: Grandma and Grandpa took us for ice cream

Danielle: aww what kind did you get?

David: i got chocolate

Danalynn: i got Cotton Candy

David: ewww

Danielle: (laughs) did you guys know that mommy loves you?

David: yes you tell us everyday

Danielle: that's cuz its true

Danalynn: i heard Grandma and Grandpa talking about how we have brother or sister..

Diggy: (looks at his parents)

Danielle: um...yes you guys had another sister

David: where is she??

Diggy: she's in the sky protecting you

David: So..if something bad happens she'll be here to protect me?

Danielle: yes baby(smiles)

---45 min later after everyone is gone

Danielle: we've been through a lot

Diggy: yep, and we keep getting through them, Together.

Danielle: Diggy... is this the end?

Diggy:....yes...(kisses her forehead) i love you

Danielle: i love you too


okay so...this is the last chapter of Its Time to Sing it was fun writing this for you guys and i loved every minute, i want to thank all of you guys for reading and commenting. I'll be writing a new story soon so catch that. Thank you Stay Mindless and JetSetters Up!

It's time to Sing:حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن