Odd stares...

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Location: Back at the meeting room 

No one's POV

Everyone is silent and processing what they just heard . Lola's Manager RoElle stands up " LOLA why in the world would you tell them that?? That could have been something forgotten and never HEARD of again!!!!"

Lola: Why the heck are you yelling at me RoElle??? they asked a question and i fuckin answered it!!

RoElle:Lo that was completely unnecessary...

1st Boss: Ms. RoElle, we are just trying to know everything we can about your client so we can be prepared for the media. If anything is to sort of (air qoutes)"Pop up" from her past.

2nd Boss: Lola your story... Is a GOLD MINNNE!!! we could sell a lot of magazines with that people nowadays will chew that up. Lola I like you alot and your will have a huge career.

Lola: Thank you (Looks at RoElle like WTF now hoe!!-__-)

1st and 2nd Boss; Well.. i think thats all we have to say other then we will see you on concert day and be prepared to write (Both gets up and leave)

Lola sits down and starts to pick up all her things to leave. "Ro, you know i luv you right??"Lola says "yeah i know..."  " hey do i have anything to do tomrrow??" " nope its your free day" "Cool so i will see you two days???" Lola says "Yeah i luv you Lo i just that was not what we planned on talking about" "Its okay i luv you too, were good ^_^  see ya later" 

Everyone is walking out and Diggy, The OMG Girls and Lola are all head in the same direction towards the elevator.  The Star and Beauty seemed like they were in a hurry while BabyDoll was in no hurry and plus she wanted to talk to Diggy.

Star: Girl if you dont hurry yo stank ass up imma kick you outta this building                                          Beauty: I know stop trying to flirt with Diggy we have a show in 3 hours!!                                                BabyDoll: So Diggy are you working on any new songs cuz the OMG GirlZ would luv to be on one :)   

Diggy POV

Really thou..they want to do a song together more like SHE.. I just tell her okay cuz I see Lola trying not to take the same elevator as them so I tell BabyDoll bye and I turn to Lola and ask her which hotel she's staying at while we're here she tells me "I'm staying at the Hilton"

D:Me too

L: really what room are you staying in?

D: room 143 at the top 

Lola looks at me and smiles and says that her room is right across from me  I stare at her eyes and her beautiful dimples but I dont say anything until I hear the elevator coming. BabyDoll is staring at Me with devil eyes and she tells me that I can ride the elevator with me but I say no that I'm going to stay with Lola for a while.

BabyDoll: -____- (in head) I know Diggy is not trying to flirt with that ratchet looking hoe...

Star smiles at Lola and says Bye Lola says bye back as the elevator closes you could hear star saying " Bre calm down!! I think she's pretty and kinda nice." then it was just "mumble,mumble"

Lola POV

another elevator comes up and me diggy both go towards it and he let's me go first which makes me blush

D: you have cute dimples i tell him thanks and he says no prob. We go down 3 floors and stop and some people get on so me and Diggy have to scutch together to make room. Next thing I know some guy is like " Danng look at this fine piece of chocoLATE " I turn around  to see some guy staring at me with gold teeth my first thought was..UNATTRACTIVE !!  Diggy looks at me "turn around and ignore it" he whispers in my ears which sends chills down my spine. The guy asks me for my name, which I kindly tell him "None of your business" "whoo shes feisty I like them feisty..how big is your ass you don't mind I feel on it shawwwtay" "I turn around and say "touch my ass and I'll rip your dick off!! GOT IT!!" I'm just thinking please let this elevator hurry up I look up to see one more

Floor till we hit the lobby. "excuse ME?!!? You little bitch..do you know who I am? Every girl would LUV to have to me so you need to appreciate and hop on." I feel him getting closer then all of sudden. "she said DONT touch her" I could hear Diggy say  that's when the elevator doors opened and I hopped of their like their was no tomorrow I could still see Diggy having a stare down with guy so I pulled his arm and we hurried out of the building. "THIS WON'T BE THE LAST YOU HEAR OF ME

BOTH OF YOU!!!" that's all I could as we both walked on the sidewalk.


Diggy:you okay? (he looked worried)

Lola: yeah thanks for sticking up for me I really appreciate it.

Diggy: no problem an plus he was a


They both looked at each other

Diggy: so what are you about to do??

Lola: I was going to go back to the hotel

Diggy: do you have a ride?

Lola: no I was going to call a taxi

Diggy: I could drop you of since we're

Both going to the same place...

Lola thinks for a second

Lola:....sure thanks

Diggy: you dont mind if we stop somewhere to get some food cuz I'm kinda hungry

Lola: hahaha sure same here

Diggy: Taco Bell???

Lola: sure

They arrive at Diggys car it's black Mercedes he opens for the Lola which makes her blush "you blush a lot" Diggy says"well.. Maybe If you'd stop making me blush!!" Lo says "no

I think it's cute so I'm going to try extra hard to make you blush" Diggy says while smiling. He jogs to his side

Of the car and he drives to Taco Bell.

Next chapter Soon- tell me you think I enjoy everyone's feedback^_^ 

Next chapter sneak peek- I could tell Diggy anything and he won't

Judge me and he cares and he made me laugh the whole ride there. We arrive at Taco Bell and he opens

The door for me and I try so hard

Not to Blush but he catches it. All he does is smile like a little child. He grabs my waist and we walk into Taco Bell. I look to my left and I saw the OMG Girlz...-_- just my luck Diggys sees them and pushes me toward the register. We see them throwing their trash away an walking over to us.

BabyDoll: look here you skanky hoe..

Uh uh more drama what is Lola going to do??? Do you think their going to fight. Do you think the guy from the elevator try to Hurt them.. Next chapter  sorry about switching everything but i can never stay with something for a while lolol

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